Acidity and heartburn due to it is also a common complaint of pregnant women. It causes a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. This complaint definitely occurs in pregnancy because the progesterone hormone, which relaxes the muscles in pregnancy and helps in expansion, also relaxes the valve of the stomach which keeps the acid out of the food pipe (esophagus). But since the muscles are in a relaxed state, the valve remains slightly open, due to which the acid goes into the food pipe due to the growing uterus and the stomach becomes overfull, which causes acidity which causes heartburn. But there are safe and effective ways to prevent it. Which are discussed in this article.


(Read more - Indigestion during pregnancy)

Difference between acidity and heartburn -
The term 'acidity' is commonly used when any burning sensation is experienced in the stomach or food pipe. Medically, acidity is different from heartburn.Acidity occurs when your stomach produces more acid than is needed to digest food. You may experience a burning sensation or more than that. It can be mild or sometimes quite painful.

Heartburn is experienced when stomach acids irritate the pipe as it passes through the food pipe. This burning sensation can be quite painful and sometimes it is more than the burning sensation or acidity in the stomach.

(Read more - Acid reflux)

  1. Why Does Acidity Occur During Pregnancy?
  2. Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy
  3. Treatment For Acidity In Pregnancy
  4. Summary

Heartburn occurs when the valve between the stomach and the food pipe is unable to prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the stomach. During pregnancy, the progesterone hormone causes this relaxation of the valve, which can cause heartburn to occur more frequently. This allows stomach acid to easily enter the food pipe and cause discomfort.

Heartburn and indigestion are more common during the third trimester of pregnancy because the growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and stomach. The pressure on the stomach can push stomach contents back into the food pipe. You may start experiencing these problems between the 30th and 36th weeks of pregnancy. You will feel this increasing discomfort when your enlarged uterus pushes your stomach to your throat.

(Read more - Stomach Tightness During Pregnancy)

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What you are eating and not eating during pregnancy is directly related to the acidity that causes your heartburn problem. Here are some tips to avoid it:

Tips to follow:

  • Eat small amounts of food three times a day instead of eating large meals.
  • You can eat your main meal at noon i.e. a large meal because it puts pressure on your digestive system at the end of the day i.e. at night when you are going to sleep, so you can rest. Eating too much at night can be harmful.
  • If possible, it would be better not to eat anything a few hours before sleeping or taking a nap.
  • Sit upright for some time after eating, because lying down immediately can cause the food in the stomach to come back up.
  • When you sleep, support your head with some pillows, doing this helps in digestion.
  • Stay hydrated (do not let there be a shortage of water) i.e. consume plenty of water and fluids throughout the day.
  • Try chewing gum after eating. Because chewing stimulates the salivary glands which naturally neutralize the acid.
  • If you have heartburn during pregnancy, wear moldy clothes. Do not wear tight clothes at all. It puts more pressure on your organs.
  • Do not drink fluids in between meals. 

(Read more - Heartburn Diet: foods to eat)

Foods To Cure Acidity In Pregnancy

  • Almonds
  • Avocado
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Green vegetable juices which provide both nutrients and hydration.
  • Drink herbal teas, such as peppermint tea, chamomile tea and lemon tea.
  • Garlic - Eating a clove of garlic every day can help relieve heartburn and if you take garlic capsules, make sure they contain allicin (an oily substance derived from garlic that relieves heartburn) so that it is effective in treating heartburn. As always, consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

Apart from all these, maintain balance in your daily routine.

(Read more - Acidity Pain)

Foods To Avoid Acidity In Pregnancy

  • Chocolate
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Tea, coffee, soda etc., beverages containing caffeine and sugar
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Citrus fruits
  • Mustard
  • Spicy, fatty and oily foods
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Excessive consumption of meat.
  • Iron supplements also cause heartburn. Consult a doctor in such a situation.

(Read more - Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat)

Some over-the-counter antacids can help deal with these symptoms. Antacids made from calcium carbonate or magnesium are considered good options. However, magnesium should not be consumed during the last trimester of pregnancy. Magnesium can cause problems in contractions during labor.

Most doctors recommend avoiding antacids that have high levels of sodium. You should also avoid antacids with "aluminum hydroxide" or "aluminum carbonate" written on the label as they can cause constipation. Ask your doctor to know the best option. Your doctor may prescribe you some acid-reducing medicines. According to research, medicines called H2 blockers, which help prevent acid formation, are safe. Another type of medicine, called proton pump inhibitors, is used for people with heartburn.

(Read more -Home Remedies for Heartburn)

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Acidity is a common problem during pregnancy, caused by hormonal changes and the growing womb. Some home remedies can be effective in reducing this problem. First of all, it is advisable to eat small meals, so that there is no excessive pressure on the stomach. Consuming ginger helps reduce acidity; it can be mixed in tea and drunk. Cold milk or yogurt also provides relief from acidity. Avoid lying down immediately after eating and sleep with a high pillow. Avoid oily and spicy food and drink an adequate amount of water. With these measures, the problem of acidity during pregnancy can be controlled.

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