During pregnancy, every woman goes through physical and mental changes. Due to these changes, women have to face many problems. Body odor is also a result of the changes in pregnancy. A different smell can be felt from the body of women during pregnancy. Hormone changes and excessive sweating are considered to be the main reasons for this. Today in this article you will know what are the causes and home remedies for body odor during pregnancy -

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  1. Causes Of Body Odor During Pregnancy
  2. Home Remedies To Remove Body Odor During Pregnancy
  3. Summary
Doctors for Body Odor in Pregnancy: Common Causes and How to Stay Fresh

During pregnancy, the body odor may change or the body may smell. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the body may smell more than normal. The following can be the reasons for odor in pregnancy -

Body Odor During Pregnancy Due To Hormonal Changes

Due to hormonal changes in pregnancy, the body of women may smell. This happens due to the estrogen hormone. Estrogen helps the body to thermoregulate i.e. balance the temperature by increasing sweating. Exactly the same process happens during the menstrual cycle. Some pregnant women sweat more at night. This happens due to constant changes in hormones.

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Body Odor During Pregnancy Due To Excessive Sweating

Sweat can also cause a foul smell from the body of pregnant women. Actually, sweat glands become very active during pregnancy. Due to this, women can sweat even in cold temperatures. Although this sweat does not have any smell, when it remains on the skin, bacteria can grow in it. These bacteria can cause body odor.

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Body Odor During Pregnancy Due To Diet Changes

Women take a healthy diet during pregnancy, it affects their overall health. If a woman eats meat during pregnancy, her body can smell for hours, because meat contains amino acids, which affect body odor. Apart from this, seafood affects the smell of sweat and vaginal discharge. Some medicines can also cause body odor.

(Read more - Pregnancy diet: What to eat)

Body Odor During Pregnancy Due To Thyroid

Thyroid can also be a reason for body odor during pregnancy. There can be changes in thyroid hormone during pregnancy. Thyroid hormone helps in controlling temperature, digestion and other body functions. If the thyroid gland produces more hormones than normal, it can cause sweating at night. Due to this, the woman's body may smell bad.

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Body Odor During Pregnancy Due To Increase In Blood In The Body

During pregnancy, the blood supply in the body increases by 50 percent. This happens because more blood is required to deliver adequate oxygen and nutrition to the baby developing in the womb. This extra blood makes the body feel hot, which causes sweating.

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Body odor during pregnancy is normal. Most women have to face this. If a pregnant woman is troubled by excessive body odor, then she can try the following home remedies -

  • Women should take baths daily during pregnancy. Cold or lukewarm water can be used for bathing.
  • Loose clothes should always be worn during pregnancy. This helps in drying up sweat quickly and does not stick to the body, which can prevent sweat odor.
  • A balanced and nutritious diet should be taken during pregnancy.
  • Keep yourself hydrated, for this drink plenty of water.
  • Keep trimming the hair of the underarms and genitals from time to time, so that less sweat comes there and bacteria do not grow.
  • Avoid eating smelly foods like onion, garlic and seafood. Instead, eat vegetables and fruits that produce less odor.
  • If the body odor does not reduce even after trying these remedies, then you should contact a doctor.

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These are the causes of body odor in pregnancy and its home remedies. Body odor can occur during pregnancy. This can be a common side effect of changes in the body. If the body smells due to excessive sweating, then the home remedies mentioned in this article can be used. However, in some cases, it may require treatment by consulting a doctor.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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