Ankol, also known as dhera, is found in abundance in India. It is a tree which, root to tip, serves some or the other purpose. Be it the seeds, leaves, fruit or oils—consumption of any or all of them is said to be beneficial to the human body. Ayurveda, however, mentions the usage and benefits of particularly the bark and the oil.
Ankol is native to South Africa and Eastern Asia. It bears white flowers between the months of February and April. The wood obtained from this tree is considered to be of good quality due to its close grains which make fine finishing possible. It is, therefore, used in a variety of ways such as in furniture, musical instruments, and ornaments among others. The wood is also considered to be good fuelwood.
Basic information about Ankol
- Botanical name: Alangium salvifolium
- Common name: Ankol
- Family: Alangiaceae
- Native region and geographical distribution: East Asia and South Africa
- Parts used: Bark, oil, leaves, roots, fruit
- Energetics: Known to pacify Kapha and Pitta “doshas”
Continue reading to find out the various health benefits that the Ankol tree has to offer.