Your blood carries oxygen, minerals and other nutrients to the body's organs. It is very important to have pure blood in the body for good health. Healthy blood is necessary to maintain adequate iron and high hemoglobin levels. In addition to being clean, blood should have the right balance of blood sugar, lipids and minerals. So wouldn't you like to know how to purify your blood naturally? Here are some foods that help purify your blood.

(Read more - Home remedies to purify blood)

  1. What To Eat To Purify Blood?
  2. Summary

Drink As Much Water As Possible To Purify Blood

Just like you deep clean your house with water, you can also purify your blood by consuming plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help your kidneys flush out impurities from the body.

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Benefits Of Garlic For Blood Purification

Garlic is antibacterial and can purify your system from viruses and parasites that may harm it. This pungent food removes excess fat from the blood. It also lowers bad LDL cholesterol and total serum cholesterol levels in your body.

Exposure to toxic metals can pollute your blood and body causing all sorts of problems from cramps and hunger pangs to brain damage. The antioxidants in garlic not only purify your body but can also fight mild to moderate lead poisoning. Research has shown that the sulfur compounds in garlic have a therapeutic effect not unlike D-penicillamine (used to treat lead poisoning). Garlic may actually be a safer option to purify the body.

(Read more - How Much Blood is in the Human Body?)

Benefits Of Jaggery For Purifies Blood

This golden brown unrefined sugar is also considered a good blood purifier. Its fiber content helps cleanse the digestive system, prevent constipation and remove waste from the body. Because of the high iron content, it can help resolve iron deficiency and restore hemoglobin levels. If you have just given birth to a baby, jaggery can help expel clotted blood from the body. It can act as a natural blood purifier for your blood.

(Read more - Exploring the Functions of Plasma)

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Benefits Of Turmeric For Blood Purification

Turmeric is a great natural healer in itself that can fight inflammation. It can also help treat liver problems and even make it function better. And this is important because both the liver and kidneys are the primary centers that are known to purify the blood from impurities.

When this golden spice is combined with milk, its purifying powers are further enhanced. Herbal milk is known in Ayurveda as a purifying diet for the liver. Ayurveda recommends a turmeric milk that is infused with spices like black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and ginger for 72 full hours. This drink is believed to help your body produce red blood cells in addition to acting as a good health tonic.

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Benefits Of Apples And Pears For Blood Purification

Pectin present in fruits like apples, guavas, plums and pears is useful for blood detoxification. Along with excess fat in your blood, pectin is also associated with heavy metals and other harmful chemicals or waste in your bloodstream. Fiber helps with fat removal, while lycopene and glutathione present in the fruit are useful for eliminating waste and chemicals.

Benefits Of Lemon For Blood Purification

Ayurveda recommends consuming lemon with warm water to purify the blood. According to Ayurveda, it helps release "ama" or toxins in your digestive system and cleanses your system. Warm water helps break down fat and reduces the burden on your kidneys. And the minerals and vitamins in lemon help detox the body. Vitamin C makes glutathione in our body. The liver uses this compound to purify your blood. 

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Benefits Of Green Leafy Vegetables For Blood Purification

Not everyone likes green leafy vegetables. But the abundant nutrient content in them (vitamins A and C, as well as B vitamins, folic acid and iron) can be very useful for you. The antioxidants present in these vegetables are responsible for removing harmful free radicals, preventing cell damage to red blood cells. By limiting free radical damage to blood cells, these vegetables help your blood fill with new cells. Choose spinach, romaine lettuce or mustard greens.

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Benefits Of Cabbage For Purifies Blood

Cabbage is seen as a blood purifier in Ayurveda. It contains antioxidants like vitamins A and C that are good for your liver. The fiber in cabbage helps cleanse the digestive system. It can neutralize the chemical compounds present in cigarette smoke and also cleanse your liver.

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Benefits Of Oats And Nuts For Blood Purification

These fiber-rich foods are known for their ability to get rid of excess fats, chemicals and wastes from your system. The high fiber content in foods like oats, whole grains, whole grains, flax seeds and nuts lowers blood cholesterol and glucose levels. It clears your intestinal tract, prevents constipation and helps eliminate waste from your body.

(Read more - CBC (Complete Blood Count) - Test)

It is beneficial to include certain foods in the diet for blood purification. Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and fenugreek, help purify the blood as they contain iron and antioxidants. Consuming vegetables such as beetroot and carrots is also good for blood purification, as they increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and remove toxins. Foods such as lemon and ginger help detox the liver, which is important for blood purification. Also, drinking more water and consuming fruits such as pomegranate, papaya and orange are also helpful in keeping the blood clean.

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