Any part of the neck such as muscles, bones, joints, tendons or nerves getting affected can cause neck injury. Sometimes pain in the shoulder, jaw, head or upper arm can also cause muscle strain. Usually muscle strain occurs more when a person works sitting in front of a computer for a long time.

Sometimes sleeping in the wrong posture can also cause neck strain or not taking precautions during exercise can increase the risk of muscle strain. Apart from this, neck injury can also occur due to car accidents, fall or other reasons.

Read More - (Home remedies for neck pain)

  1. How To Identify Neck Injury?
  2. Causes Of Neck Injury
  3. Treatment Of Neck Injury
  4. Summary
Doctors for When to Seek Medical Help for a Neck Injury
  • Difficulty in turning the neck due to muscle strain
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Hardness of neck muscles
  • Lump formation
  • Pain in the neck while turning or shaking the head from one side to the other
  • Sometimes, neck pain or discomfort can occur suddenly, while in some cases neck pain may be felt after several hours or days.

Read More - (Acupressure for Neck Pain)

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Neck injury is often caused by strain or spasm of the neck muscles or inflammation of the neck joints. Here are some common activities that can cause excessive strain on the neck:

  • Leaning your head forward while doing any work, watching TV or reading
  • Sleeping on a pillow that is too high or too thin
  • Bending your neck while sleeping on your stomach
  • Thinking posture, resting your head on your hand

Read More - (Say Goodbye to a Stiff Neck)

The treatment of this problem depends on the following factors:

  • The location, type and severity of the injury
  • The age of the patient
  • The health status of the patient
  • The patient's activities (such as work, sports participation).
  • The doctor may conduct tests to diagnose the neck injury. They may recommend X-rays, CT scans (computed tomography) and other tests in some serious cases.
  • The treatment of neck injury depends on its type. It includes treatments such as applying ice, taking painkillers, physiotherapy or wearing a cervical collar. It is very rare that someone needs surgery.
  • Ice compress: Ice compress should be done as soon as possible after the neck injury to reduce pain and swelling. Ice can be wrapped in a towel or cloth and applied for 15 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days.
  • Pain reliever or other appropriate medicines: If the doctor recommends taking medicine for pain, then painkillers or other medicines such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) can be taken. These medicines are helpful in pain and swelling, but do not forget to consult a doctor before using any medicine.
  • Neck brace or collar: If there is difficulty in moving the neck, then the doctor may recommend using a neck brace or collar, it helps in keeping the neck straight. However, doctors do not advise patients to use it for a long time, because if this happens, the neck muscles may become weak.
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In case of a neck injury, it is important to keep the affected area rested and immobilized. In case of a minor injury, apply ice, which will reduce swelling and relieve pain. Depending on the severity of the injury, painkillers, such as ibuprofen, may be taken. Do not bend the neck too much and avoid heavy work. If relief is not obtained within a few days, contact the doctor for an X-ray or MRI to identify a serious injury or bone problem.

Dr. Manoj Kumar S

Dr. Manoj Kumar S

8 Years of Experience

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Dr. Ankur Saurav

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Dr. Pritish Singh

Dr. Pritish Singh

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Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

6 Years of Experience

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