We all have throat problems or other problems at some time or the other and when there is pain or sore throat, the first thing we are told to do is gargle. This is a home remedy of every home which always works. Gargles are done in case of any throat problem or mucus, but gargling regularly reduces the risk of many problems and also maintains the health of your mouth.Gargling has many benefits, but its most important benefits are that it not only cures sore throat and other types of problems, but gargling also reduces bad breath. It removes the germs present in your mouth, which provides relief from many types of problems.

This article describes how many types of gargles there are or what things you can gargle with, what are the benefits of gargling, the method of gargling and the things to keep in mind.

(Read more - Sore Throat)

  1. Types Of Gargles
  2. Benefits Of Gargling
  3. How To Gargle?
  4. Precaution While Gargling
  5. Summary

Although the most common way to gargle is with water, gargles can be done with many types of mixtures. Gargles are done by mixing many different things in water. Some such methods are as follows -

Gargles With Salt Water
One of the most common ways to gargle is to gargle with salt water. Salt has antibacterial properties, which not only kills the germs present in the mouth, but it also cures the swelling and pain of the throat. For this, heat a glass of water slightly and add half a teaspoon of salt to it and mix it. Now gargle with this mixture.

Gargles With Clove Water
Cloves have such properties that kill the germs in the mouth and also reduce the swelling of the throat. For this, boil 2-3 cloves in a glass of water and gargle with this mixture.

Gargles With Red Chilli Water
Gargling with red chili water gives a lot of relief in throat problems. For this, boil a glass of water and add red chili powder to it and mix it well. Now gargle with this water for some time. This will definitely burn your throat, but it is a very good way to get relief from throat problems.

Gargles With Turmeric Water
Turmeric has germ-killing and swelling-reducing properties, that is why gargling with it is very beneficial. For this, lightly heat a glass of water and add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. If you want, you can also add a little salt to it. Now gargle with this mixture for some time.

Gargles With Ginger Water
Ginger has many properties that cure throat problems. For this, boil a glass of water and add ginger powder to it and gargle. If you are using raw ginger, then add a little chopped ginger to the water and then filter this mixture. If you want, you can also add honey or red chili to this mixture.

Gargles With Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also has anti-inflammatory and germicidal properties, that is why gargling with it provides relief from many throat problems. For this, take half a glass of water and add 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Do not boil this mixture, just warm it slightly and gargle with it. 

Gargles With Mouthwash
If you want, you can also gargle with mouthwash, it also has many properties to cure throat problems. For this, take a little mouthwash in a glass of water and gargle. However, other problems can occur if mouthwash goes inside the throat, so be careful while gargling with it. 

(Read more - Throat Infection)

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For sore throat, pain, mucus or other problems, gargling is the first thing that is recommended. It has the following benefits -

  • Gargling removes the food stuck between your mouth and teeth, which prevents many problems in the mouth. 
  • Gargling reduces the acid produced by the bacteria present in the throat and maintains a normal pH level. 
  • Gargling can provide some relief if you have a sore throat due to cold or flu
  • Gargling removes the mucus deposited in your respiratory tract and nose. 
  • Gargling in infection reduces the severity of the infection and provides relief from its symptoms.
  • Gargling provides a lot of relief in case of dry cough
  • Sometimes the throat also gets swollen due to allergies, in such a case gargling provides relief. 
  • It is believed that gargling regularly every day reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract infection
  • Gargling removes germs from the mouth and throat, which keeps the mouth healthy. 
  • There is a risk of tonsils due to bacterial infection or viral infection and this causes many problems in the throat. Gargling provides relief from problems in tonsils. 
  • It was found in a study that gargling removes dangerous bacteria present in the saliva and reduces the risk of many types of mouth problems. Gargling eliminates bad breath because it removes the bad-smelling bacteria. 
  • Gargling reduces gum swelling and any type of injury in the mouth also heals quickly. 
  • Sometimes your gums start bleeding due to bacteria in the mouth, in such a case, gargling removes the bacteria and stops bleeding from the gums.
  • Gargling regularly reduces the chances of tooth cavity.
  • Dirt starts accumulating on our teeth, which causes gum pain and teeth start rotting. Gargling daily removes this dirt from the teeth.
  • Gargling reduces the risk of a serious gum infection called pyorrhoea.
  • Users often develop in our mouths due to many reasons, which cause a lot of pain. Gargling reduces this pain and the blisters heal quickly. 
  • Toothache occurs when pus starts forming in your teeth. In such a situation, you have to get treatment from a dentist, but gargling can be done for pain. 
  • Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast. In this infection, white spots start appearing in your mouth, throat and food pipe. Gargling in this situation provides a lot of relief. 
  • Gargling also cleans your tongue and does not accumulate plaque on it. 

(Read more - First aid for throat pain)

The correct way to gargle is as follows -

  • First of all, make sure what you want to gargle with. In the first part of this article, we told you about different types of gargles. 
  • Now prepare your gargle mixture.
  • After this, pour this mixture into a clean glass. Remember to use a small glass instead of gargling with a big bottle. 
  • Now put some amount of this mixture in your mouth. Take a little mixture in the beginning because taking a large amount of mixture can make you vomit. 
  • After this, swirl this mixture well in your entire mouth. The purpose of gargling is that this mixture reaches every part of your mouth. 
  • For this, move your cheeks in and out and also move your tongue back and forth. 
  • Now tilt your head a little backwards so that the gargle mixture reaches the back side of your mouth and throat. 
  • Now pull your tongue back and make a sound from your throat for some time as if saying 'aah'.
  • This will cause the vibration in your throat and mouth to form bubbles of the mixture and the mixture will reach your entire mouth and throat well. 
  • Do this for a few seconds and then throw the mixture out of the mouth.
  • Now again keep some mixture in your mouth and repeat this process.
  • Gargle until you feel right and then stop.
  • You can gargle 2 to 3 times a day for colds and if there is any other problem then you can do it more often. 
  • Gargling takes some time to learn, but it can be easily learned by trying again and again.

(Read more - Home remedies for itchy throat)

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Keep the following things in mind while gargling -

  • If you are having trouble gargling with salt water, then gargle with plain water. 
  • If you are adding salt to the water, then warm the water slightly so that the salt dissolves completely in the water. 
  • Before gargling, dissolve the salt well in the water because if the salt does not dissolve completely, its granules can peel your mouth and throat. Do not gargle with a mouthwash that contains alcohol, it can cause side effects. 
  • Always tilt your head backwards while gargling.
  • If you are using hot water, check how hot it is before gargling, otherwise your mouth may burn. 
  • If you are gargling with some other method instead of plain water, do not take the mixture inside the throat. 
  • If you do not like the taste of salt water, you can add some honey or lemon juice to it. 
  • Do not keep a large amount of the gargle mixture in your mouth, it may get stuck in your throat and you will not be able to gargle properly. 
  • Do not throw the mixture out of the mouth immediately. Gargle with this mixture for at least 30 to 40 times.
  • Gargles should always be done patiently and properly.

(Read more - Effective Treatments for Sore Throat Relief)

Gargling is a simple and effective home remedy that helps relieve throat problems. Salt water is often used for gargling, which reduces inflammation in the throat and is helpful in fighting infection. This method also helps in clearing sore throat, throat pain, and mucus. Gargling reduces throat irritation and helps in keeping the voice clear. Apart from this, this remedy is also effective in eliminating bacteria and viruses, thereby preventing cold and throat infections. Regular gargling helps in improving throat health and can also reduce bad breath.

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