Bruising is a very common problem that can happen to anyone. Bruising can occur anywhere in the body due to injury while doing daily chores. Due to injury, blood vessels are damaged and the blood present in them starts leaking into the surrounding tissues, due to which a blue or black spot appears on the skin. In this article, why bruises occur, what to do and when to go to the doctor in case of bruising is explained in detail.

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  1. What Is A Bruise?
  2. Why Do Bruises Appear On The Body?
  3. First Aid For Bruises
  4. When To See A Doctor In Case Of Bruises?
  5. Summary

Many times, after colliding with any object present in the house, office or other places, a blue or black spot appears on the skin. This spot is caused by damage to small blood vessels due to injury to the skin. When an injury occurs, the blood vessels burst and the blood present in them leaks into the surface below the skin, which looks like a blue spot from the outside.

Bruises are a common skin injury that causes discoloration and blemishes. Bruises and swelling of the skin are caused by damage to blood vessels and the body's response. Bruises are also called hidden injuries. Bruises cause symptoms such as pain and swelling when touched in the affected area.

(Read more - First Aid for Head Injury)

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Bruises occur when blood vessels near the skin burst due to injury, causing blood to leak into the tissues beneath the skin. Most bruises occur when an object collides with the skin or the skin collides with something. Its common causes are as follows -

  • People who exercise vigorously or excessively may have the problem of bruising because their blood vessels develop small cuts.
  • Older people tend to get bruises because their skin becomes thinner and the tissue that supports blood vessels becomes fragile.
  • Bruises can also be caused by a vitamin C deficiency
  • Unexplained bruises can be a sign of a bleeding disorder, especially if they are accompanied by frequent nosebleeds or bleeding gums
  • The skin on the back of the hands and palms is thin and prone to sun damage, which can cause bruises. 
  • Liver disease, leukemia, hemophilia and iron deficiency anemia can also cause bruising. 
  • Certain medications can cause bruising, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (pain, swelling, inflammation and fever) or blood thinners or certain cancer medications.

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To cure bruises after an injury, you can do first aid in the following ways -

  • Rest the bruised area.
  • Wrap ice in a towel and place it on the bruise and leave it for 15 minutes. Repeat this process every hour. Instead of this, you can also use a bag of frozen peas. This also reduces swelling.
  • If possible, keep the bruised area raised above the heart level so that blood does not accumulate in the bruise. If the bruise is below the heart level, it will leak more blood and the swelling will increase.
  • If you want to take any medicine for pain or swelling, talk to your doctor.
  • Apply pressure on the bruise with your hand.
  • People who take blood-thinning medicines should talk to their doctor.
  • Do not stop or start taking any medicine without asking the doctor.

(Read more - First Aid For Injury, What To Do)

Visit your doctor in the following situations -

  • Swelling and severe pain in the bruised area.
  • If you suddenly start getting bruises.
  • If you take blood-thinning medicines.
  • If the pain in the bruise does not stop even after 3 days after a small injury.
  • If your family members have a problem of easy bruising or bleeding.
  • If you are getting bruises without any reason. Especially if the bruise is on your back, torso or face.
  • If the bruise is inside the nail of the hands or feet and it is painful.
  • If you get bruises easily.
  • If the bruise does not start healing in 2 weeks or is not completely healed even in 3 to 4 weeks.
  • If you see a lump above the bruise.
  • If you are bleeding from any other place like nose or gums.
  • If you feel that you have a fracture along with the bruise.

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A bruise is caused by the rupture of blood vessels under the skin, causing blue, black, or purple spots to appear on the skin. It is usually caused by injury, pressure, or hitting a hard surface. To heal a bruise, immediately apply an ice compress on the affected area for 10-15 minutes, which will reduce swelling and stop bleeding. Take painkillers as advised by the doctor to reduce pain. Keep the affected area elevated to reduce swelling. Gently massaging the area improves blood flow and speeds up color healing.

If a bruise does not heal within a few weeks, is very painful, or bruises occur repeatedly without injury, consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of another health problem.

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