Dr. Sharmika Dehspande
Dentistry BDS 7 Years of Experience
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Dr. Sharmika Dehspande Clinic(s)

  • Indian Institute Of Implant Dentistry4, Rajshri Co Opeartive Society, Ram Maruti Road, Landmark: Above Hanuman Dairy & Opposite Jinaam Showroom Naupada Thane

About Dr. Sharmika Dehspande

Dr. Sharmika Dehspande is an esteemed doctor practising Dentistry in Thane. Dr. Sharmika Dehspande has over 7 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Sharmika Dehspande currently works at Indian Institute of Implant Dentistry. Dr. Sharmika Dehspande specialises in Acrylic Partial Denture, Cast Partial Denture, Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing, Laminates, Minimally Invasive Dentistry, Tooth Coloured Fillings. Besides being affiliated with many hospitals, Dr. Sharmika Dehspande has been professionally active in other important ways. Dr. Sharmika Dehspande completed BDS from Dr.G.D.Pol Foundation's Y.M.T Dental College & Hospital, Kharghar.


Acrylic Partial Denture Cast Partial Denture Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing Laminates Minimally Invasive Dentistry Tooth Coloured Fillings Inlays and Onlays Periodontal Flap Surgery Scaling / Polishing Post and Core Smile Design Dental Fillings Endo Surgery Or Apicoectomy Teeth Whitening Immediate Dentures Crowns and Bridges Fixing Laser Surgery Flap Surgery Dental Implant Fixing


  • BDSDr.G.D.Pol Foundation's Y.M.T Dental College & Hospital, Kharghar - 2012


  • ownerIndian Institute of Implant Dentistry
    - Present
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