Dr. Tejal B Thorve
Dr. Tejal B Thorve is a well-known doctor based in Thane who specialises in Dentistry. She has more than 12 years of experience. Dr. Tejal B Thorve is a specialist in Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction, Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing, Artificial Teeth, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, BPS Dentures Fixing, Cosmetic/ Aesthetic Dentistry. Dr. Tejal B Thorve's profile page has the full list of expertise. Care and Cure Dental Clinic and X-Ray Clinic - Shop No.06, OM Trimurti, Jijai Nagar, Santnamdev Path,Dombivili East., Landmark: Near Reliable Motor Training School Dombivli Thane-
Clinic fee: ₹100.0
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