Dr. Abhishek Mishra


About Me About Dr. Abhishek Mishra

Having worked with several hospitals, she has 7 years of relevant experience. She practices medicine at Medical college Kolkata , NTPC Sanjeevani hospital. She has previously practised medicine at ntpc Sanjeevani hospital , Madhya Pradesh Govt , Dept of health and family welfare. Dr. Abhishek Mishra is a specialist in Acupuncture, Root canal. She has expertise in Stroke, Sleep Disorders . [His/Her] experience extends to Seizures , Movement Disorders as well.Beyond her affiliation with many hospitals, she has been professionally active in many other ways. She completed her MBBS from Medical College, Kolkata.

myUpchar Clinic Dr. Abhishek Mishra Clinic(s)

  • Mishra MedicareBirsinghpur Pali

  • Day and Timing

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    07:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹200

  • myUpchar PlusMember Fees: ₹50 ₹200 75% off

speciality Speciality

Oncology Neurology Orthopedics Gastroenterology Ophthalmology Pediatrics Dermatology Pulmonology Trichology General Surgery Pathology Endocrinology General Physician Dietician Infectious Disease Hematology Emergency Medicine Radiology Alcoholism Treatment Forensic Medicine Hepatology Allergy and Immunology Internal Medicine Sexual Medicine & Marital Therapy Sports Medicine Venereology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Diabetology AIDS/HIV Sexually Transmitted Infections Occupational Therapy Beauty Multispeciality Pharmacy Pain management

education Education

  • MBBSMedical College, Kolkata - 2018

experience Experience

  • Consultant PhysicianMedical college Kolkata , NTPC Sanjeevani hospital
    1 - Present
  • Doctorntpc Sanjeevani hospital
    14 - Present
  • Medical OfficerMadhya Pradesh Govt , Dept of health and family welfare
    29 - Present

Common questions & answers about Dr. Abhishek Mishra

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Abhishek Mishra have?

A: Dr. Abhishek Mishra has 1 years' experience in the practice of आकस्मिक चिकित्सा.

Q: What treatments do patients visit Dr. Abhishek Mishra for?

A: Dr. Abhishek Mishra offers Acupuncture, Stroke, Sleep Disorders to patients. Please find the full list of services and treatments provided by Dr. Abhishek Mishra.

Q: Where does Dr. Abhishek Mishra practice?

A: You can meet Dr. Abhishek Mishra at in Shaktinagar S.O (Sonbhadra), Sonbhadra.

Q: How to make an appointment with Dr. Abhishek Mishra?

A: You can take an appointment with Dr. Abhishek Mishra for online consultation or for an in-clinic visit via myUpchar - just click on "Book an appointment" above!

Q: How long has Dr. Abhishek Mishra been practising for?

A: Dr. Abhishek Mishra has 1 years' experience in the practice of आकस्मिक चिकित्सा.

Q: What are the treatments that Dr. Abhishek Mishra offers?

A: Services that Dr. Abhishek Mishra offers include Acupuncture, Stroke, Sleep Disorders . Check above to know the complete set of services and treatments that Dr. Abhishek Mishra offers.

Q: Where does Dr. Abhishek Mishra practice?

A: Dr. Abhishek Mishra is available at in Shaktinagar S.O (Sonbhadra), Sonbhadra.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. Abhishek Mishra?

A: You can easily get an appointment with Dr. Abhishek Mishra for online consultation or for an in-person visit via myUpchar. All you have to do is click on the "Book an appointment" above!

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