Dr. Dhanashree Pardhi
Dr. Dhanashree Pardhi is a well-known Ophthalmology in Pune. Dr. Dhanashree Pardhi has over 7 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Dhanashree Pardhi is known for excellence in 2.2 mm Phaco Surgery for Cataract, Lasik for Glasses Removal, Laser Procedures for Retinal Diseases, Laser Refractive & Cataract Surgery. Please view the profile for a complete list of Dr. Dhanashree Pardhi's expertise. Shree Eye Clinic - 160/161, Rd Number 2, Jawahar Nagar, Landmark: Next to Ashtvinayak Hospital Goregaon West Mumbai-
Clinic fee: ₹250.0
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