Dr. Anjali
Dentistry BDS, MDS - Prosthodontics 15 Years of Experience
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Dr. Anjali Clinic(s)

  • Smile Inn Pune1 Audumber Apartment, Next To Reliance Fresh, Paud Road, Kothrud Depot, Landmark: Kothrud Pune

About Dr. Anjali

A well-known Dr. Anjali is based in Pune. He has been practicing medicine for over 15 years. Dr. Anjali works at Jehangir Hospital currently. Some of the places where Dr. Anjali has worked in the past include Tata Memorial Hospital, Galaxy Laprascopic Institute, Ruby Hall Cancer Centre,, Enhance Head Neck Rehabilitation LLP. Apart from His association with different hospitals, He has put His skills to the test in many other ways. He has been an active member of various organisations, including Indian Dental Association, IPS. He earned His BDS from BHARATI VIDYAPEETH'S DENTAL COLLEGE &HOSPITAL PUNE. Thereafter, Dr. Anjali earned MDS - Prosthodontics from Government Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai.


  • MDS - ProsthodonticsGovernment Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai - 2003


  • Sr. Registrar, Dept. of Dental and Prosthetic ServicesTata Memorial Hospital
    2004 - 2005
  • Consultant Maxillofacial ProsthodontistGalaxy Laprascopic Institute
    2005 - Present
  • Consultant Maxillofacial ProsthodontistRuby Hall Cancer Centre,
    2007 - Present
  • Consultant Maxillofacial ProsthodontistJehangir Hospital
    2013 - Present
  • Founder & Chief ExecutiveEnhance Head Neck Rehabilitation LLP
    2013 - Present
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