Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre
Ayurveda MD - Ayurveda Medicine 14 Years of Experience
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Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre Clinic(s)

  • Shri Anantpal Clinic & Ayurvedic Medical StoresSatavwadi, Saswad Road, Hadapsar, Landmark: Satav Complex., Landmark: Hadapsar Pune

  • Day and Timing

    11:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    11:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    11:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    11:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    11:30 PM - 02:30 AM

  • Consultation Fees:₹150

About Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre

Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre is a renowned doctor in Pune. He specialises in Ayurveda. Having worked with several hospitals, He has 14 years of relevant experience. Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre works at Shri Anantpal Clinic & Ayurvedic Medical Stores currently. Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre specialises in Hair Loss Treatment, Ayurved Consultant, Joint Disorders, Gastritis Treatment, Skin Tag Treatment. In addition to His affiliation with multiple hospitals, He has been professionally active in many other ways. He has been an active member of NIMA, Hadapsar Medical Association. Dr. Yogesh Shivmurti Bhatambre finished His MD - Ayurveda Medicine from Government Ayurved College Vazirabad. Nanded.


Hair Loss Treatment Ayurved Consultant Joint Disorders Gastritis Treatment Skin Tag Treatment


  • MD - Ayurveda MedicineGovernment Ayurved College Vazirabad. Nanded - 2000


  • DoctorShri Anantpal Clinic & Ayurvedic Medical Stores
    2005 - Present
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