Pediatrician in Dhankawadi


3 matches found for: Pediatrics in Dhankawadi

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  • Dhankawadi
  • Pediatrics
Filters used:
  • Dhankawadi
  • Pediatrics
  • Dr. Dushyant Kothari

    Dr. Dushyant Kothari

    Dr. Dushyant Kothari is a well-known Pediatrics in Pune. He has been a practicing doctor for over 14 years.
    Dr. Dushyant Kothari specialises in Growth & Development Evaluation / Management, Childhood Infections, Vaccination/ Immunization, Infant & Child nutrition. Dr. Dushyant Kothari's profile page has the full list of expertise.
    Jivraj Children Clinic - Bhuleshwar Society, Sambhaji Nagar Road, Dhankawadi, Landmark: Beside Konark Vihar & Opposite Shivchhatrapati Mangal Karyalaya., Landmark: Dhankawadi Pune
  • Clinic fee: ₹200.0

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  • Dr. Sunita Pai

    Dr. Sunita Pai

    Pune-based Dr. Sunita Pai is a well-known doctor specialising in Pediatrics. Dr. Sunita Pai has over 0 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics.
    A full list of Dr. Sunita Pai's expertise can be found on the profile page. Pai Hospital - No. 15/7, Bhuleshwar Society, Pune Satara Road , Dhankawadi.Landmark:-Landmark: Near Sankar Maharaj Math., Landmark: Dhankawadi Pune
  • Clinic fee: ₹100.0

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  • Mr. Javed Sayyed

    Mr. Javed Sayyed

    Pune-based Mr. Javed Sayyed is a well-known doctor specialising in Pediatrics. With 0 years of experience, Mr. Javed Sayyed has been associated with various prestigious hospitals and clinics.
    Mr. Javed Sayyed's profile page has the full list of expertise. Atharva Dental Clinic - New Nurses Town Co Operative Society, Landmark: Opposite Konark Viharl Suyog Hospital Dhankawadi Pune
  • Clinic fee: ₹300.0

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