Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar

Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar

Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar

Homeopathy BHMS 14 Years of Experience
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About Me About Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar

Nagpur-based Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar is a well-known doctor specialising in Homeopathy. Having worked with several hospitals, Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar has 14 years of relevant experience. Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar practices medicine at Homeopathic Clinic. Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar specialises in Arthritis Management, Insomnia Treatment, Hypertension Treatment, Diabetis, Heart Trouble, Prostate. Beyond affiliation with many hospitals, Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar has been professionally active in many other ways. Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar graduated with a BHMS from Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Institute of Homeopathic Medical Sciences, Amravati..

myUpchar Clinic Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar Clinic(s)

  • Homeopathic ClinicC-2517, Sushant Lok-1. Landmark: Opp. Gold Souk., Landmark: Sushant Lok I Gurgaon

  • Day and Timing

    03:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    11:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    11:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    11:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    11:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    11:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:30 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹200

services Services

Arthritis Management Insomnia Treatment Hypertension Treatment Diabetis Heart Trouble Prostate Gas trouble spondylosis Heel pain Exostosis Joint Pain Treatment Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Osteoarthritis Treatment Gout Treatment Fracture Pain lumbar pain Neck Pain Treatment Psoriasis Treatment Eczema Treatment Leucoderma Treatment Dark Circles Freckles Acne / Pimples Treatment Black Head Removal Wrinkles Leucorrhoea Body Development Breast Lump Breast Cancer Treatment Fabroid Prolapse Premarital & After Marriage Counselling Infertility Evaluation / Treatment Hairfall General Weakness Bedwetting Tempor Tantrums Delayed Milestones Stammering Glucoma Squint Retinal Detachment Deviated Nasal Septum Polyp Tonsillitis Treatment Snoring Sinus / Sinusitis Treatment Deafness Tinnitus Evaluation / Management Piles Treatment (Non Surgical) Anal Fissure Treatment (Non-Surgical) Fistula Constipation Treatment Gastritis Treatment Loss of Appetite Vertigo Treatment

education Education

  • BHMSPandit Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Institute of Homeopathic Medical Sciences, Amravati. - 2003

experience Experience

  • OwnerHomeopathic Clinic
    2005 - 2016

Common questions & answers about Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar have?

A: Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar has 14 years of experiences in the field of Homeopathy.

Q: Which treatments does Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar offer to patients?

A: Patients visit Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar for Arthritis Management, Insomnia Treatment, Hypertension Treatment. A complete list of services and treatments offered by Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar is given above.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar?

A: Click on "Book an appointment" for an online consultation or an in-clinic appointment with Dr. Ruchira Kshirsagar through myUpchar.

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