Dr. Sandeep T.K
Dentistry BDS 17 Years of Experience
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Dr. Sandeep T.K Clinic(s)

  • Sandeep Dental Speciality Clinic#1869, New Sayyaji Road., Landmark: Opposite To Satyanarayana Swamy Temple. Mandimohalla Mysore

  • Day and Timing

    12:05 PM - 02:30 PM
    07:05 PM - 09:30 PM

    12:05 PM - 02:30 PM
    07:05 PM - 09:30 PM

    12:05 PM - 02:30 PM
    07:05 PM - 09:30 PM

    12:05 PM - 02:30 PM
    07:05 PM - 09:30 PM

    12:05 PM - 02:30 PM
    07:05 PM - 09:30 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹150

About Dr. Sandeep T.K

Dr. Sandeep T.K is an esteemed doctor practising Dentistry in Mysuru. Dr. Sandeep T.K has been practicing medicine for over 17 years. Currently, Dr. Sandeep T.K is working with [organization_doctor experience - id5]. Dr. Sandeep T.K specialises in Tooth Extraction, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Dental Fillings, Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction, Artificial Teeth. Apart from association with different hospitals, Dr. Sandeep T.K has put skills to the test in many other ways. Dr. Sandeep T.K is an alum of Sri Hasanamba Dental College Hospital where Dr. Sandeep T.K earned a BDS.


Tooth Extraction Crowns and Bridges Fixing Dental Fillings Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction Artificial Teeth


  • BDSSri Hasanamba Dental College Hospital - 2001


  • consultantsandeep Dental speciality clinic
    2002 - Present
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