Ms. Prajna Pai
Dietician BSc, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition 32 Years of Experience
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Ms. Prajna Pai Clinic(s)

  • Pikale HospitalUma-mahesh, m.m. chotani marg, cross road -2, mahim west. Landmark: Near Railway Station., Landmark: Near Swagat Hotel Mahim Mumbai

    Clinic Pictures

  • Day and Timing

    11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

    11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

    11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

    11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

    11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹500

About Ms. Prajna Pai

Ms. Prajna Pai is a well-known doctor based in Mumbai who specialises in Dietician. Ms. Prajna Pai has been practicing medicine for over 32 years. Beyond affiliation with many hospitals, Ms. Prajna Pai has been professionally active in many other ways. Ms. Prajna Pai graduated with a BSc from Mithibai College. Ms. Prajna Pai has Diploma in Diet and Nutrition from Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Mumbai.


  • BScMithibai College - 1984
  • Diploma in Diet and NutritionInstitute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Mumbai - 1987
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