Dr. Dhanashree Chatim (PT)
Dr. Dhanashree Chatim (PT) is a well-known doctor based in Mumbai who specialises in Physiotherapist. Dr. Dhanashree Chatim (PT) has over 4 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Dhanashree Chatim (PT) is known for excellence in Arthritis Physiotherapy, Neck Pain Physiotherapy, Sports Physical Therapy, Knee Pain Physiotherapy, Back Pain Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy. Please see the profile page for a comprehensive list of Dr. Dhanashree Chatim (PT)'s expertise. Dhanashree Chatim - 17, Jain Towers, 16th Floor, Matthews Road, Landmark: Opposite Vijay Sales & Behind Opera House Charni Road Mumbai-
Clinic fee: ₹600.0
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