Dr. B N Ravi Kumar

Dr. B N Ravi Kumar

Dr. B N Ravi Kumar

General Physician MBBS, Certificate Course in Evidence Based Diabetes Management (CCEBDM), MD - Bio-Chemistry 38 Years of Experience
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About Me About Dr. B N Ravi Kumar

Hyderabad-based Dr. B N Ravi Kumar is a well-known doctor specialising in General Physician. Dr. B N Ravi Kumar has more than 38 years of experience. Currently, Dr. B N Ravi Kumar is working with [organization_doctor experience - id5]. Dr. B N Ravi Kumar has previously worked at Surakshit Poly Clinic, opp keys high school, secunderabad. Dr. B N Ravi Kumar specialises in Diet Counseling, Family Counseling, Infectious Disease Treatment, Diebatic Specialist, Laboratory, Diabetes Management. Besides being affiliated with many hospitals, Dr. B N Ravi Kumar has been professionally active in other important ways. Dr. B N Ravi Kumar has been an active member of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI), indian association of sports Medicine Life Member. Dr. B N Ravi Kumar graduated with a MBBS from Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad. Dr. B N Ravi Kumar also has a MD - Bio-Chemistry from Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh.

myUpchar Clinic Dr. B N Ravi Kumar Clinic(s)

  • Surakshit Poly ClinicPiller Number 11, Landmark: Opposite Keys High School Secunderabad Hyderabad

  • Day and Timing

    03:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 02:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 02:30 AM

  • Consultation Fees:₹400

services Services

Diet Counseling Family Counseling Infectious Disease Treatment Diebatic Specialist Laboratory Diabetes Management Gestational Diabetes Management Diabetes in Children Diabetic Diet Counseling Type 1 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Foot infection Diabetic Ulcer Treatment Hypertension Treatment Electrocardiography (ECG) Insulin Treatment Arthritis Management Fever Treatment Allergy Testing Bad Breath (Halitosis) Treatment Abdominal Pain Treatment Peptic / Gastric Ulcer Treatment Health Checkup (General) Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment Gastroenteritis Treatment Typhoid Fever Treatment Malaria Treatment Anemia Treatment Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treatment Appendicitis Treatment Gout Treatment Nasal and Sinus Allergy Care Dengue Fever Treatment Migraine Treatment Former Obese Tonsillitis Treatment Hypertriglyceridemia Diabetes Renal Failure Sleep Disorder Treatment High Cholesterol Treatment

education Education

  • MBBSGandhi Medical College, Hyderabad - 1981
  • Certificate Course in Evidence Based Diabetes Management (CCEBDM)Public Health Foundation of India(PHFI),New Delh - 2011
  • MD - Bio-ChemistryDr. NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh - 1993

experience Experience

  • Director and consultant family physicianSurakshit Poly Clinic, opp keys high school, secunderabad
    1982 - 2016
  • Former Professor and Head of Department Bio ChemistryKaturi institute of medical sciences,Chalmeda Institute of Medical Sciences
    2000 - 2016

experience Memberships

  • Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI)
  • indian association of sports Medicine Life Member

Common questions & answers about Dr. B N Ravi Kumar

Q: What educational qualifications does Dr. B N Ravi Kumar have?

A: The following are the qualifications of Dr. B N Ravi Kumar - MBBS, MD - Bio-Chemistry. Check above for a full list of Dr. B N Ravi Kumar's qualifications.

Q: How much experience does Dr. B N Ravi Kumar have?

A: Dr. B N Ravi Kumar has 38 years' experience in the practice of General Physician.

Q: Which treatments does Dr. B N Ravi Kumar offer to patients?

A: Patients visit Dr. B N Ravi Kumar for Diet Counseling, Family Counseling, Infectious Disease Treatment. A complete list of services and treatments offered by Dr. B N Ravi Kumar is given above.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. B N Ravi Kumar?

A: Click on "Book an appointment" for an online consultation or an in-clinic appointment with Dr. B N Ravi Kumar through myUpchar.

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