Dr. Daanniey (Physiotherapist)
Dr. Daanniey (Physiotherapist) is a well-known Physiotherapist in Hyderabad. Dr. Daanniey (Physiotherapist) has been a practicing doctor for over 18 years. Dr. Daanniey (Physiotherapist) is a specialist in Cryotherapy/Cold Therapy, Heat Therapy Treatment, Electrical Stimulation, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Range Of Motion Excercise, Strengthening Excercise. Please see Dr. Daanniey (Physiotherapist)'s profile for the complete list. Eadens Physiotherapy Pain Relief & Rehabilitation Center - 3-4-759, Ground Floor, Opp. Barkatpura Petrol Pump, Barkatpura, Hyderabad , Landmark: Barkatpura Petrol Pump Barkatpura Hyderabad-
Clinic fee: ₹500.0
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