Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna

Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna

Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna

Radiology MBBS, MD - Radio Diagnosis/Radiology, MUHS FINR Fellowship 13 Years of Experience
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About Me About Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna

Hyderabad-based Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna is a well-known doctor specialising in Radiology. Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna has over 13 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna is now working with APOLLO HOSPITALS. Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna has worked with KEM, Ayush Hospitals, Vascular intervention clinic in the past. Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna specialises in Diagnostic Cerebral Angiogram, Intracranial Aneurysm Coling, AVM Embolization, Flow Diversion, Carotid and Intracranial stenting(Preventive stroke Management), IPSS. In addition to affiliation with multiple hospitals, Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna has been professionally active in many other ways. Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna has been an active member of various organisations, including Radiological Society of North America, European society of Radiology. Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna graduated with a MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai. Post that Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna went on to take MUHS FINR Fellowship from King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College.

myUpchar Clinic Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna Clinic(s)

  • Vascular Intervention ClinicLucid Diagnostic Building., Landmark: Behind Radhika Theatre. AS Rao Nagar Hyderabad

  • Day and Timing

    12:00 AM - 01:30 AM

    12:00 AM - 01:30 AM

    12:00 AM - 01:30 AM

    12:00 AM - 01:30 AM

    12:00 AM - 01:30 AM

  • Consultation Fees:₹500

services Services

Diagnostic Cerebral Angiogram Intracranial Aneurysm Coling AVM Embolization Flow Diversion Carotid and Intracranial stenting(Preventive stroke Management) IPSS Opthalmic artery chemotherapy in Retinoblastoma Laser Fistula Treatment Cerebral venous thrombolyis

education Education

  • MBBSSri Ramachandra University, Chennai - 2006
  • MD - Radio Diagnosis/RadiologySri Ramachandra University, Chennai - 2010
  • MUHS FINR FellowshipKing Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College - 2012

experience Experience

  • Assistant ProfessorKEM
    2011 - 2012
    2015 - 2016
  • Consultant Neurointerventional RadiologistAyush Hospitals
    2012 - 2016
  • ConsultantVascular intervention clinic
    2012 - 2016

experience Memberships

  • Radiological Society of North America
  • European society of Radiology
  • Indian radiology Imaging Association
  • Indian society Neuroradiology
  • Indian society Pediatric Radiology
  • Society of Vascular intervention Neurology

Common questions & answers about Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna

Q: What are Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna's educational qualifications?

A: The following are the qualifications of Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna - MBBS, MUHS FINR Fellowship. Check above for a full list of Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna's qualifications.

Q: How long has Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna been practising for?

A: Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna has 13 years' experience in the practice of Radiology.

Q: What treatments do patients visit Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna for?

A: Patients visit Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna for Diagnostic Cerebral Angiogram, Intracranial Aneurysm Coling, AVM Embolization. A complete list of services and treatments offered by Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna is given above.

Q: Where does Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna practice?

A: Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna practices at Vascular Intervention Clinic in AS Rao Nagar, Hyderabad.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna?

A: You can easily get an appointment with Dr. Lakshmi S Prasanna for online consultation or for an in-person visit via myUpchar. All you have to do is click on the "Book an appointment" above!

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