Dr. Divesh Sha


About Me About Dr. Divesh Sha

Ahmedabad-based Dr. Divesh Sha is a well-known doctor specialising in Pediatrics. He has more than 3 years of experience. Dr. Divesh Sha specialises in Pediatric and neonatal care. In addition to His affiliation with multiple hospitals, He has been professionally active in many other ways.

services Services

Pediatric and neonatal care

education Education

  • MBBS - 2008

Common questions & answers about Dr. Divesh Sha

Q: How long has Dr. Divesh Sha been practising for?

A: Dr. Divesh Sha has 3 years' experience in the practice of Pediatrics.

Q: What are the treatments that Dr. Divesh Sha offers?

A: Services that Dr. Divesh Sha offers include Pediatric and neonatal care. Check above to know the complete set of services and treatments that Dr. Divesh Sha offers.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. Divesh Sha?

A: You can take an appointment with Dr. Divesh Sha for online consultation or for an in-clinic visit via myUpchar - just click on "Book an appointment" above!

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