Dr. Akash Shah
Oncology MBBS, MD 5 Years of Experience
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About Dr. Akash Shah

Dr. Akash Shah is an esteemed doctor practising Oncology in Gandhinagar. He has been practicing medicine for over 5 years. Currently, Dr. Akash Shah is working with Apollo C B C C Bhat. Some of the places where Dr. Akash Shah has worked in the past include APOLLO. Beyond his affiliation with many hospitals, he has been professionally active in many other ways. He has been an active member of various organisations, including Medical Council of India (MCI). Dr. Akash Shah finished his MBBS from Baroda University,. After that, he went on to do MD from Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga.


  • MBBSBaroda University, - 2005
  • MDMahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga - 2010


  • Medical Oncologist Apollo C B C C Bhat
    - Present
    - Present
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