Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta
Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta is a well-known Pediatrics in Faridabad. Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta has over 17 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta is known for excellence in Newborn Jaundice, Congenital Disorders Evaluation / Treatment, Infant & Child nutrition, New Born Care, Vaccination/ Immunization, Fever Treatment. Please see Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta's profile for the complete list. Apollo Clinic - First Floor, Vijaya Sri Sai Celestia, Landmark: Opposite to Vidaynagar Vegatable market (above Bajaj Electronics) Nallakunta Hyderabad-
Clinic fee: ₹500.0
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