Dr. M Pravin
Orthopedics MBBS, Diploma in Orthopaedics, MS - Orthopaedics 15 Years of Experience
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Dr. M Pravin Clinic(s)

  • Prashanth Superspeciality HospitalNumber 36, 36 A, Velachery Main Road, Landmark: Oppostite Sutherland Global Services Velachery Chennai

  • Day and Timing

    06:00 PM - 06:30 PM

    06:30 PM - 07:00 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹400

About Dr. M Pravin

Dr. M Pravin is an esteemed doctor practising Orthopedics in Chennai. Dr. M Pravin has more than 15 years of experience. Currently, Dr. M Pravin is working with [organization_doctor experience - id5]. Dr. M Pravin has previously been associated with Qure Ortho Clinic. Dr. M Pravin specialises in Fracture Treatment, Joint Replacement Surgery, Arthroscopy, spine surgery, Arthritis Management, Back Pain Physiotherapy. Apart from association with different hospitals, Dr. M Pravin has put skills to the test in many other ways. Dr. M Pravin has been an active member of Indian Medical Association (IMA). Dr. M Pravin graduated with a MBBS from Madras Medical College, Chennai. Dr. M Pravin also has a MS - Orthopaedics from Madras Medical College, Chennai.


Fracture Treatment Joint Replacement Surgery Arthroscopy spine surgery Arthritis Management Back Pain Physiotherapy Neck Pain Treatment


  • MBBSMadras Medical College, Chennai - 2002
  • Diploma in OrthopaedicsMadras Medical College, Chennai - 2007
  • MS - OrthopaedicsMadras Medical College, Chennai - 2012


  • OwnerQure Ortho Clinic
    2006 - 2018
  • Consultant Orthopedic SurgeonPrashanth Superspeciality Hospital, Velachery
    2013 - 2018
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