Dr. Balakumar S


About Me About Dr. Balakumar S

With 25 years of experience, he has been associated with various prestigious hospitals and clinics. Currently, Dr. Balakumar S is working with Apollo Hospital. He has previously practised medicine at Institute of Child Health, Egmore. In addition to his affiliation with multiple hospitals, he has been professionally active in many other ways. He is a member of Tamilnadu medical council, Indian Medical Association (IMA). He earned his MBBS from Annamalai Universti. After that, he went on to do MS from Madras Medical College, Chennai,.

speciality Hospital

diseases Diseases

Brain Aneurysm Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Stroke Uterine Fibroids Cerebrovascular disease

education Education

  • MBBS Annamalai Universti - 1994
  • MS Madras Medical College, Chennai, - 2000

experience Experience

  • Vascular SurgeonInstitute of Child Health, Egmore
    2006 - 2008
  • ConsultantApollo Hospital
    1994 - 2018

experience Memberships

  • Tamilnadu medical council
  • Indian Medical Association (IMA)

Common questions & answers about Dr. Balakumar S

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Balakumar S have?

A: Dr. Balakumar S has been a practicing Accupunture for 26 years.

Q: How can I make an appointment with Dr. Balakumar S?

A: You can easily get an appointment with Dr. Balakumar S for online consultation or for an in-person visit via myUpchar. All you have to do is click on the "Book an appointment" above!

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Balakumar S have?

A: Dr. Balakumar S has been a practicing Accupunture for 26 years.

Q: How can I make an appointment with Dr. Balakumar S?

A: Click on "Book an appointment" for an online consultation or an in-clinic appointment with Dr. Balakumar S through myUpchar.

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