Dr. Suma Ballal Rao
Dr. Suma Ballal Rao is a well-known doctor based in Chennai who specialises in Dentistry. Having worked with several hospitals, Dr. Suma Ballal Rao has 21 years of relevant experience. Painless Wisdom Tooth Extraction, Aesthetic Correction of Broken Front teeth, Cosmetic/ Aesthetic Dentistry, Teeth Straightening, Tooth Extraction, RCT - Root Canal Treatment are Dr. Suma Ballal Rao’s speciality. Please see the profile page for a comprehensive list of Dr. Suma Ballal Rao's expertise. Expert Dentacare - Pleasant Apartments, Flat 1A, Ground Floor, Number- 45, Taylor's Road, Landmark: Opp chinmaya school lane Kilpauk Chennai-
Clinic fee: ₹300.0
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