Dr. Vykunta Raju K. N
Dr. Vykunta Raju K. N is a well-known Neurology in Bangalore. He has over 17 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Stroke Treatment, Epilepsy Treatment, Neuromuscular Disorders, Headache Management, Spinal Disorders, Nerve and Muscle Disorders are Dr. Vykunta Raju K. N’s speciality. Please see Dr. Vykunta Raju K. N's profile for the complete list. Bangalore Child Neurology And Rehabilitation Center - 8/A, Hans Complex, 1st Main, 1st Cross, Manuvana, Landmark: Near Adichunchunagiri Kalyana Mantapa Vijayanagar Bangalore-
Clinic fee: ₹600.0
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