Dr. Anuprabha Karthik
Obstetrics & Gynaecology MBBS, DGO, Infertility and IVF Specialist 10 Years of Experience
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About Dr. Anuprabha Karthik

He has over 10 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Anuprabha Karthik is now working with apollo. Besides being affiliated with many hospitals, he has been professionally active in other important ways. He earned his MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, . He also has a DGO from PSG Institute of Medical Science & Research and Infertility and IVF Specialist from IIRRH, Milann - the fertility centre.


Pre and Post Delivery Care Nutrition for Pregnant Women Fertilisation In Vitro - Embryo Transfer (IVF - ET) Maternal Fetal Medicine IUD placement Infertiliade Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) Reproduction Fertilization Infertility Treatment


  • MBBSSri Ramachandra University, Chennai, - 2008
  • DGOPSG Institute of Medical Science & Research - 2012
  • Infertility and IVF SpecialistIIRRH, Milann - the fertility centre - 2015


  • apollo
    - Present
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