Dr. Sushant
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, BDS, Fellowship in Implant and Esthetic Dentistry 8 Years of Experience
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Dr. Sushant Clinic(s)

  • Shree Guru Multi Speciality Dental Clinic and Implant CentreNumber-46, SY Number-85/1, SGR Dental College Road, Manjunath Layout, Munnekolala, Landmark: Near Ezone and Opposite Ramdev Medical Marathahalli Bangalore

  • Day and Timing

    03:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 03:30 AM

    03:30 PM - 03:30 AM

  • Consultation Fees:₹300

About Dr. Sushant

Dr. Sushant is a renowned doctor in Bengaluru. Dr. Sushant specialises in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Having worked with several hospitals, Dr. Sushant has 8 years of relevant experience. Dr. Sushant works at Shree Sai Dental Clinic Yelahanka currently. Dr. Sushant has previously been associated with KDC dental clinic ramamurthy nagar. Dr. Sushant specialises in Facial Fracture Treatment, Maxilla Fracture Treatment, Mandibular Fracture Treatment, Smile Design, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Fixed Prosthodontics. Besides being affiliated with many hospitals, Dr. Sushant has been professionally active in other important ways. Dr. Sushant has been a member of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India. Dr. Sushant finished MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery from Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Bangalore. Dr. Sushant also has a Fellowship in Implant and Esthetic Dentistry from Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Bangalore.


Facial Fracture Treatment Maxilla Fracture Treatment Mandibular Fracture Treatment Smile Design Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Fixed Prosthodontics Dental Checkup (General) Pulpectomy Oral Surgery Procedures Chin Augumentation (Mentoplasty) Ceramic Veneers / Crowns Zirconia Crowns Tooth Extraction Scaling / Polishing Bone Grafting for Dental Implants


  • MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryKrishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Bangalore - 2017
  • BDSGovernment Dental College, Bangalore - 2011
  • Fellowship in Implant and Esthetic DentistryKrishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Bangalore - 2015


  • Consultant DrShree Sai Dental Clinic Yelahanka
    2017 - 2018
  • consultant maxillo facial surgeonKDC dental clinic ramamurthy nagar
    2016 - 2018
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