Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy
Dentistry BDS, MCP(Endo) 9 Years of Experience
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Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy Clinic(s)

  • Dental Zone88, Marathahalli - Sarjapur Outer Ring Road, Landmark: Opposite More Megastore Marathahalli & Next to Vims Speciality Hospitals Marathahalli Bangalore

  • Day and Timing

    04:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    04:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    04:30 PM - 07:30 PM

    04:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    04:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    04:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    04:30 PM - 07:30 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹500

About Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy

A well-known Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy is based in Bengaluru. Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy has been practicing medicine for over 9 years. Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy currently works at Dental Zone. Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy specialises in Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Fixed Partial Denture (FPD), Flap Surgery, Teeth Whitening, Conservative Dentistry, Laser Gum Surgery. Apart from association with different hospitals, Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy has put skills to the test in many other ways. Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy is an alum of college of dental sciences davanagaer where Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy earned a BDS. After that, Dr. ShivaKeerthi Reddy went on to do MCP(Endo) from Academy of Advanced Endodontics.


Crowns and Bridges Fixing Fixed Partial Denture (FPD) Flap Surgery Teeth Whitening Conservative Dentistry Laser Gum Surgery Tooth Extraction Space Maintainers Pulpectomy Zirconia Crowns General Dentistry Ceramic Veneers / Crowns RCT - Single Sitting RCT - Root Canal Treatment


  • BDScollege of dental sciences davanagaer - 2010
  • MCP(Endo)Academy of Advanced Endodontics - 2018


  • DentistDental Zone
    2011 - 2018
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