Dr. Satish Babu K
Dr. Satish Babu K is a well-known ENT in Bengaluru. Dr. Satish Babu K has been a practicing doctor for over 21 years. Hearing Deficiency Assessment, Ear Drum Repair, Head and Neck Tumor / Cancer Surgery, Tonsillitis Treatment, Tonsillectomy, Congenital Ear Problem Treatment are Dr. Satish Babu K’s speciality. Please see the profile page for a comprehensive list of Dr. Satish Babu K's expertise. Apollo Hospital - Pollicetty Towers, St. John's Road, Bhagya Nagar Colony, Regimental Bazaar, Shivaji Nagar, Landmark: Besides Keyes High School Secunderabad Hyderabad and 2 more clinics ➤-
Clinic fee: ₹500.0
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