Nowadays lifestyle has become such that one has to sit continuously on the chair in the office for hours and does not take eyes off the mobile even for a minute. These habits are having a very bad effect on our body, one of which is shoulder pain. Sometimes shoulder pain gets cured in some time but sometimes it troubles for a long time. If shoulder pain also troubles you, then with the help of the following yogasanas you can get rid of this pain. Yogasana for shoulder pain

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  1. Yoga for Shoulder Pain
  2. Summary

Benefits Of Urdhva Mukha Pasasana

To relieve shoulder pain, you can use Urdhva Mukha Pasasana. Along with shoulder pain, it is also very helpful in relieving pain and stress of the hip, back and neck. Know how to do it

  • First of all, spread a yoga mat on the ground and stand on it on your knees. There should be a little gap between your knees. Now keep both your hands forward and come in cow pose.
  • Touch your head on the ground and take your right hand from inside towards the opposite hand.
  • Now take the hand on the ground by taking it flat and turn your head to the left and keep your eyes in line with the right hand.
  • Stay in this posture for a while. After that come back to Gomukhasana and do the same process with the left hand.
  • You can repeat this process 5 to 10 times according to your convenience.

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Benefits Of Sukhasana

Shoulder and neck tension can be easily relieved by sitting in Sukhasana. During this, you should add some other activities. Know how to do it

  • First of all, spread a yoga mat on the ground and sit on it by crossing both legs.
  • Now keep your hands on the thighs and leave the whole body light.
  • Now bend your neck forward and touch your chin to the chest.
  • Now bend your neck to the right and try to touch your right ear to the right shoulder. During this, your shoulder should not rise upwards.
  • Now come back to your old position and do the same process from the left side.
  • Try to touch your left ear to the left shoulder.
  • After that, bring your neck back and keep your eyes towards the sky. Come back to the old position again.
  • Do not put too much pressure on the neck and shoulder during this asana.

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Benefits Of Tadasana

You can use Tadasana to relieve shoulder pain and cramps. Know how to do it

  • First of all, stand straight and take both your hands upwards.
  • Join the fingers of both your hands with each other and keep your palms facing the sky.
  • Try to stretch your body upwards. During this, your head should also be upwards and your eyes should be on the hands.
  • Stay in this position for at least 20 to 30 seconds and after that take your hands down.
  • Join both your hands behind and bend your whole body forward.
  • As your body moves forward, both your hands will move upwards.
  • Now try to touch your head with your feet and move your hands forward. During this, do not put too much pressure on your hands.
  • Now come back to the previous position and leave your hands and body light.

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Benefits Of Bhujangasana

  • Lie down on your stomach
  • Keep your palms near your chest, slowly lift your chest, in this posture the elbows are slightly bent i.e. the hands are not completely straight.
  • During this, keep in mind that the head to the lower part of the stomach has to be lifted in the air while the part below the waist should remain on the ground.
  • The toes of the feet should remain touching the ground. Bend the back as much as you can comfortably.
  • The face should be facing the front and not the ceiling.
  • During this, inhale and exhale a total of five times so that you can do this asana for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Gradually, as the flexibility in your body starts increasing, you can increase the time but do not do this asana for more than 90 seconds.
  • Do this process a total of four times.

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Benefits Of Uttanasana

  • Stand straight.
  • Exhale and start bending from the hip joints. Remember that the legs should remain absolutely straight.
  • If you have enough flexibility in your body that you can rest your palm on the ground in this posture, then it will be better, otherwise bend only as much as you can because forcibly placing the palm on the ground can hurt your hamstrings.
  • Do not hold your breath at all while in the posture. Lift the torso while breathing in, but try to stand upright again from your hip joints.
  • Keep the legs straight throughout the process.
  • In total, inhale and exhale five times so that you can remain in the posture for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • As the body starts getting flexible, you will be able to easily take the palm to the ground.
  • Repeat this process four times.

(Read more - Yoga poses for hamstrings)

Benefits Of Apanasana

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Now try to bring both knees close to the chest (as much as possible)
  • Hold both knees with the hands, so that the legs do not move.
  • Do not lift your shoulders or head while bending your knees.
  • Exhale and release your legs and arms to return to the starting position.
  • Rest for at least a minute.
  • Repeat this process eight times.

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And finally, don't forget to do Shavasana!

Benefits Of Shavasana

  • Lie down on your back.
  • During this, the hands should be slightly away from the body and the palms should be facing the ceiling.
  • Keep a distance of about two feet between both the legs and keep the body completely loose.
  • Keep your eyes closed so that you feel relaxed.
  • Remember, do not sleep during this. Just relax the entire body and mind.
  • Try to make your breathing very calm and slow. The more calm and slow the breathing becomes, the more relaxed you will feel.
  • Stay in Shavasana for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • To come out of Shavasana, focus on the breath. Slowly start moving the fingers of the feet and hands, then rotate the wrists.
  • Now stretch the whole body by raising the hands up and slowly sit up.

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The above mentioned yoga asanas can be very useful for you to relieve shoulder pain and cramps. But do these yoga asanas under the supervision of an expert in the beginning.

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Yogasana can be an effective way to reduce shoulder pain and maintain their health. Certain asanas, such as Balasana (Child's Pose), Garudasana (Eagle Pose), and Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), help stretch and strengthen the muscles of the shoulders. These asanas not only help reduce pain, but also relieve stress and stiffness. In addition, regular yoga practice promotes flexibility and balance of the body, which reduces the chances of shoulder injuries. It is advisable to consult an expert before doing yoga, especially if the shoulder pain is already severe.

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