Shoulder makes an important part of one of the most mobile joints of human body, which enables us to perform a wide range of activities. A discomfort in performing any of these functions or a condition where a persistent pain prevails in the shoulder along with soreness or redness requires medical attention.
Repetitive shoulder movements can cause impingement or instability of the soft tissues or bony structures which partake in these motions, resulting in shoulder pain. The most common cause of shoulder pain is rotator cuff tendonitis or swimmer’s shoulder. It occurs when the tendons of shoulders are damaged due to general wear and tear. Some of the other causes of shoulder pain are:
- Bursitis: Inflammation of bursae (bursae are fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions in the joints)
- Arthritis: Joint inflammation
- Fracture: Break in the continuity of any of the bones forming the shoulder joint
- Frozen shoulder: Inflammation of soft tissues around shoulder joint causing stiffness and reduced mobility. Old age and deficiency of calcium and vitamins B12 and D are common causes of this condition
- Angina: Angina is a condition where the amount of blood flow to the heart is reduced. This condition results in chest pain accompanied by shoulder pain
- Pinched Nerve
Homeopathy offers a number of remedies for shoulder pain irrespective of the cause and can be quite effective if the treatment, if initiated at the earliest. However, injuries are often subjected to allopathic treatment, which can be lengthy and cause side effects. Medications like arnica, cocculus indicus, natrium carbonicum, kalmia latifolia and others are effective and common prescriptions for conditions causing shoulder pain and limitation of movement of shoulder joint.