It happens many times that while doing some work or without any reason, suddenly you start feeling pain in a nerve, which we call nerve pain in common language. Nerve pain means a muscle forcefully contracting on its own. It causes sudden severe pain and this pain lasts for some time. 

Nerve pain is very common and can occur in any part of the body. Usually the problem of nerve pain occurs in the thigh, hand, leg, neck, calf and stomach. For this, most of the time you do not need to go to the doctor because it gets cured on its own or with some first aid. However, in some cases you may need to take treatment from a doctor. 

(Read more - Home Remedies to Alleviate Pinched Nerve Discomfort)

This article explains what to do if a nerve gets pinched, what to do if a nerve gets pinched in the leg, what to do if a nerve gets pinched in the neck, what to do if a nerve gets pinched in the waist and when to go to the doctor if a nerve gets pinched.

  1. What To Do If A Nerve Gets Pinched?
  2. What To Do If The Veins Of The Feet Swell?
  3. What To Do If The Nerves In The Neck Are Swollen?
  4. When To Go To The Doctor In Case Of Varicose Veins?
  5. What To Do When The Nerves Of The Waist Swell?
  6. Summary

The following measures can be taken in case of nerve cramps -

  • First of all, stop whatever work you are doing when a nerve gets pinched, otherwise the problem may increase. After this, massage the affected area lightly or rub that area with light hands. 
  • Now do stretching. When you do stretching, your muscle starts stretching in the opposite direction from the side where it is stretched and starts getting longer. Keep in mind that you should not stretch by applying too much force and do not stretch the muscles too much. If you feel pain, do not do stretching. 
  • Try to keep that area stretched for some time while stretching the affected area.
  • Now place an ice pack on the affected area or apply cold compress, this gives relief from pain and swelling
  • If you are still in pain, you can take painkillers available at medical stores. 
  • If you feel cramps in the muscles, you can apply hot compress on the affected area. 

(Read more - How to Treat Nerve Pain at Home)

In case of excessive swelling, you can use anti-inflammatory medicines available at medical stores, these increase blood flow in the affected area and cure the problem of varicose veins.

If you have a vein in your feet, then the following remedies can help you -

  • Rub the place where the veins are swollen with light hands.
  • Apply cold compress on the affected area. 

If the veins of the calf or the back side of the thighs swell, stand a little away from the wall and keep your hands on the wall. Keep your knees and back straight and keep the heels on the ground. Now bend forward by putting pressure on your hands. You will feel a stretch in the muscles of your calves. 

  • Apart from this, sit with your legs straight and hold your heels and try to pull them towards your head.
  • If the veins of the front side of the thighs swell, stand and hold a chair. Now try to bend your heels from the back and take them near your hips. 
  • When nerves in toes are swollen, sit down and straighten your legs. Now try to bend your toes towards the head. This will make you feel a stretch in the muscles of the calves and toes.
  • If you are experiencing more than normal pain while doing any exercise, then do not do that exercise.

(Read more - Neck Injury: symptoms, causes)

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The following measures can be taken in case of nerves in the neck -

  • The problem of nerves in the neck can be caused by stress, so first of all reduce your stress. For this, you can do yoga and meditation
  • Cold compress can be used for nerves inflamed, this will reduce the strain in the muscles.

Exercise can provide a lot of relief in the pain caused by nerves inflamed. For this, you can do the following exercises -

  • Put your hand on your head and bend your neck towards the shoulders on the right and left side one by one. 
  • Stand straight with both your hands behind you. Now hold the opposite hand with your right hand and pull it downwards. At this time, bend your head towards the right hand. 
  • When the nerves of the neck swell, massage your neck with light hands. Apply pressure on the neck by moving your fingers in a circular motion. 
  • When the nerves swell, you can also apply hot compress on the affected area. This will reduce the strain on the muscles of that place and reduce blood flow. 

(Read more - How to Strengthen Weak Nerves)

You must go to your doctor if you have the following problems -

  • If your varicose veins symptoms are increasing.
  • If the symptoms are not going away even after taking measures on your own.
  • If you are having the problem of varicose veins repeatedly.
  • If you have a problem with varicose veins in your neck and your hands or palms are getting numb or there is tingling in them. 
  • If there are some changes in your varicose veins problem.
  • If you have a problem with varicose veins due to a fall.
  • If you are feeling stiffness in any of your joints. 
  • If it increases when you lie down or wake up in the middle of sleep.
  • If your pain and trouble are increasing.
  • You are not able to control your urine. 
  • You are having trouble doing daily activities.
  • You are having trouble walking and maintaining balance.

(Read more -Neuropathic (Nerve) Pain)

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When a nerve gets swollen in the waist, there is a sudden and severe pain and due to this it becomes difficult to do any work. The following measures can be taken in case of nerve swelling in the waist -

  • Massage - Massaging the affected area relieves muscle contraction and also reduces pain. To massage, apply pressure on the affected area with light hands for some time and move your fingers in a circular motion. If you feel the pulse at that place, then do not apply pressure. 
  • Muscle relaxant medicines - These medicines relax the muscles of the body. However, consult your doctor before taking any medicine. 
  • Compression - Both hot and cold compresses provide relief from pain and swelling caused by nerve swelling. If possible, first apply hot compress and then cold compress. There should be a gap of about half an hour between them. Remember that the object with which you are applying hot or cold compress, do not keep it directly on your skin, wrap it with a towel otherwise your skin may get damaged. 
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - These medicines do not provide immediate relief, but they show their effect in some time. They provide relief from swelling and pain, such as ibuprofen or aspirin etc. 
  • Drink water - The problem of neck vein swelling can also occur due to lack of water in the body, so try to drink as much water as possible. 
  • Rest - It is very important to rest when back vein swelling occurs. While resting, lie down on the bed and keep a pillow under your knees. Remember that too much rest can also make your muscles stiff, so take a walk for some time every now and then. 

(Read more - Nerve Weakness)

Muscle cramps are usually caused by muscle strain, fatigue, or electrolyte imbalance. To get immediate relief, gently massage the affected area and stretch the strained muscle. Using a hot water compress or a warm towel also helps relax the muscles. Drinking plenty of water and eating a diet rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium helps prevent it. If the problem is recurring or persists for a long time, consult a doctor as it may be a sign of other health problems.

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