Muscle ache, also known as myalgia, can be a symptom of muscle injury, overuse, neurological and muscle disorders, autoimmune disorders, infection, side effects of drug therapy and obstruction to blood flow.
The pain can affect more than one muscle at one time and also extend to tendons, ligaments and fascia (tissue that connects the muscles, organs and bones). It can be chronic (long-term), acute (sudden) or intermittent (occurring in intervals). The treatment of muscle pain usually includes the management of the underlying health condition. It may include NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, hot packs and in some cases, physiotherapy.
Homeopathic treatment of muscle ache depends on the symptoms of the person. However, along with that, doctors also consider the patient's physical and mental traits and their tendencies to suffer from specific problems. Some of the homeopathic remedies used to treat muscle ache include bryonia alba, rhus toxicodendron, veratrum album, strychninum purum, ruta graveolens, rhamnus californica, ranunculus bulbosus, gelsemium sempervirens, dulcamara, arnica montana and aconitum napellus.