Muscle pain, also known as angamarda or myalgia, is not a condition in itself but is an indication of underlying health conditions, muscle disorders or injuries. Autoimmune conditions, obstructed blood flow, neurological diseases, stress, overuse of muscles or side effects of medications are some of the other causes of muscle pain.
Ayurveda describes panchakarma (five therapies) methods of snehana (oleation), swedana (sudation or sweat therapy) and abhyanga (oil massage) to alleviate mamsa gata vata or muscle pain by pacifying vata, improving circulation and eliminating ama (toxins) from the body. Herbs like guggulu (Indian bdellium-tree), ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) and yasthimadhu (mulethi) along with herbal formulations like dashmoolarishta are used to reduce muscle pain caused due to muscle diseases like fibromyalgia. The analgesic properties of these remedies reduce muscle pain effectively. Practising yoga along with following a healthy diet and physical therapy further aid in achieving good health.