Hernia occurs when the abdominal muscles become so weak that a hole is formed in them, and the abdominal organs start coming out through this hole.

Such weakness is from birth or due to surgery or due to lack of exercise. Due to lack of exercise, your muscles start getting weak and due to excess fat, the lower area of ​​your stomach starts getting burdened. Due to lifting heavy weight, your weak muscles start getting pressured or due to chronic phlegm or constipation, these gaps start forming and eventually the person becomes a victim of hernia.


Once this gap is formed, yoga cannot cure it. For this you need surgery again. Yoga prevents this problem from occurring again by strengthening your abdominal muscles, removing fat and staying healthy. Along with this, let us tell you that with the help of yoga, hernia can be prevented from the first stage itself .There are three main types of hernia -


In the first two, surgery is the best treatment. If you have hiatal hernia, do not do asanas that put pressure on the lower abdomen such as BhujangasanaDhanurasana, and Setu Bandhasana. Do yoga for hernia only with a knowledgeable yoga guru, otherwise it can be harmful.

(Read more - Hernia diet)

If you have undergone surgery for hernia, then you should start yoga after two or three weeks and if you have undergone a major surgery, then you should start yoga in the last stages of complete recovery from the surgery. Start yoga asanas slowly, but it would be better if you take the help of your doctor or a yoga trainer. During the recovery period, do not do asanas that require lifting both legs together, bending forward or backward, bending sideways, twisting the spine, also do not do Surya Namaskar and Ushtrasana.So let us tell you some yoga for hernia -

  1. Yogasana For Hernia
  2. Summary

Uttanpadasana For Hernia

Uttanpadasana yoga is a very important yoga. Uttanpadasana helps in reducing all the problems related to the stomach. This asana is so effective that practicing it daily gives relief from the problem of hernia very soon and also helps in reducing your belly fat. Which is very important for the lower area of ​​​​your stomach.

How to do Uttanpadasana -

  • First of all lie down straight on the ground and keep your hands on one side.
  • Now when you breathe, slowly take your right leg up without bending the knee.
  • Take it up slowly according to your capacity. Gradually you can increase your capacity.
  • Then bring the leg down and exhale.
  • Keep in mind that your body should not rise upwards while lifting the legs.
  • Do this process five times with both legs.
  • If you are recovering from hernia repair surgery, then practice this yoga with only one leg throughout the day. But keep in mind to raise your legs only up to 60 degrees. Avoid putting stress on the stomach.

(Read more - Yoga to Cleanse Stomach)

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Navasana To Prevent Hernia

Navasana is very beneficial for our whole body. Navasana is very effective for hernia. If you do this asana continuously for two weeks, then you will get great relief from the symptoms of hernia. Along with this, this asana is also very beneficial for digestion, belly fat. Which is very important for the lower area of ​​​​your stomach.

How to do Navasana -

  • First of all lie down straight and keep your hands straight on the side of your body and also straighten your legs.
  • Now slowly lift both your legs upwards.
  • Then exhale and also slowly lift your head, shoulders and hands as shown in the picture.
  • Stay in the same position for some time and then come down while breathing and relax.
  • Do this process 20 times.
  • If you have pain in the stomach or neck, then do not do this asana or first lift your head a little and then slowly move forward.

(Read more - Benefits of Parvatasana Yoga)

Pawanmuktasana To Avoid Hernia

Pawanmuktasana is very beneficial for stomach problems. It keeps the stomach healthy and strengthens the stomach muscles and eliminates the symptoms of hernia problem.

How to do Pawanmuktasana -

  • First of all lie down straight and join both your legs and keep your hands on the side.
  • Now bend your right legs and breathe slowly.
  • Then when you exhale, bring your knees to the chest.
  • Hold the knees with both your hands and bring your chin towards the knees.
  • Now bring the left leg to a 45 degree position and slowly rotate it in the air.
  • Rotate your left leg five times clockwise and five times counterclockwise and breathe normally.
  • Do the same process with your right leg.
  • Finally bring both your legs towards the chest and bring your head forward or backward for some time.

(Read more - Yoga for Digestion)

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Viparita Karani Asana For Hernia

Viparita karani asana cures stomach or kidney related diseases and that is why this asana is very beneficial for hernia.

How to do Viparita karani asana –

  • First of all, lie down straight on your back and when you inhale, lift your legs upwards. If you are not able to straighten your legs, then you can bend your knees a little. 
  • When you exhale, take your legs backwards so that your hips come above the ground.
  • Support your hips with your hands, put your weight in your hands but keep your torso at a 45 degree angle as shown in the picture.
  • If you are able to bear the weight on your hands, then slowly take the legs above the head.
  • Keep breathing slowly. Then bring your legs down and relax your hands again and lie down comfortably while exhaling.
  • You can also do this asana with the help of a wall.

(Read more - Yoga poses for back)

Vajrasana For Hernia

The lungs are strengthened by taking deep breaths in Vajrasana. Stomach problems are reduced and this asana is very important for hernia because it strengthens the muscles, weakness is not felt and the stomach remains healthy.

How to do Vajrasana -

  • First of all, sit on your knees and keep both your hands on your thighs.
  • Now keep one of your hands on the stomach and keep the chest and shoulders absolutely still
  • Then when you take a deep breath, hold your shoulders and stomach and breathe from the rib cage.
  • While exhaling, slowly release the rib cage.
  • After this, move your hand from the stomach towards the chest and feel the process of taking the stomach inwards during the last exhalation.
  • Then, slowly move your stomach inwards, keep the rib cage still and draw the breath in and while exhaling, move your shoulders up and down. Just like you shrug your shoulders. 
  • Now combine these three processes together, first inhale from the stomach, then repeat this with the ribs and exhale with the clavicles.

(Read more - Yoga for a Healthy Appendix)

Uddiyana Bandha For Hernia

This asana strengthens the muscles of the stomach, lower abdomen and waist. Excess fat of the stomach and waist is reduced. Doing this asana daily cures stomach and intestinal diseases. This asana is very beneficial for hernia disease.

How to do Uddiyana Bandha Asana -

  • First of all, bend forward. Then place your hands on your knees and put the weight of your torso on your hands.
  • Then exhale completely from the mouth. Then close your throat so that air does not go inside.
  • Then inhale and pull it through the chest to the lower region of your stomach.
  • Relax your stomach muscles as much as possible.
  • This may be a little difficult for you, but by practicing it daily, you will not have any problem.
  • Hold your breath until you feel like exhaling.
  • Then exhale slowly.

Agni Sara For Hernia

In this asana also you get the same benefits as Uddiyana Bandha Asana.

How to do Agni Sara -

  • First of all, bend forward and keep your hands on your knees.
  • Now put the weight of your torso on your hands.
  • Then exhale completely from the mouth.
  • Now close your throat so that the air does not reach the lungs.
  • Then inhale and now pull it through the chest to the lower region of your stomach.
  • Now pump the stomach in and out and do it as long as you can hold the breath.
  • Then after exhaling, you can breathe comfortably.
  • Do this process three times.

(Read more - Yoga poses for neck)

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Yoga asanas can play a helpful role in hernia treatment, but it is important that they are performed carefully and with expert advice. Some yoga asanas for hernia such as Pawanmuktasana, Vrksasana and Sarvangasana can be helpful. Pawanmuktasana strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves intestinal movement. Vrksasana increases body balance and stability. Sarvangasana can be helpful in reducing hernia pain by supporting the abdominal organs. While performing yoga, one should take care of slow speed and deep breathing, and stop immediately in case of any discomfort. These yoga asanas can relieve hernia symptoms and improve health.

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