Foot pain can occur due to many reasons like standing or running for a long time. Foot pain can be relieved by doing some easy yoga. If your daily routine includes excessive walking or running, then you must do the following yogasanas. These strengthen the legs and relieve pain.

(Read more - How to Ease Foot Pain at Home with Natural Techniques)

  1. Benefits Of Adho Mukha Svanasana For Foot Pain
  2. Benefits Of Kapotasana For Leg Pain
  3. Benefits Of Suchirandhrasana For Leg Pain
  4. Summary
  • To start Adho Mukha Svanasana, lie down on your stomach. Keep the face down towards the ground.
  • Now place both your palms and knees on the ground. During this, the back remains straight and the toes are backwards.
  • Now slowly lift the hips upwards, now take both the toes of the feet back. If possible, keep the soles of the feet on the ground.
  • In this posture, you will feel a stretch in the back part of the leg.
  • Let the arms and back remain straight and during this keep the fingers of the toes of the hands spread.
  • Now place the hips on the heels slowly, during this the chest remains close to the thighs and the face is downwards. If possible, keep your eyes on your navel.
  • In this posture, now the shoulders will also feel stretched.
  • You have to stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds and during this time inhale and exhale five times.
  • After some time, increase the time of this yogasana to 90 seconds.

(Read more - Foot Pain at Night)

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  • For Kapotasana, come to the position of Vajrasana i.e. bend the legs and sit keeping the hips on the heels. During this, keep the back straight and the toes facing backwards.
  • Now take only one of your legs straight backwards. The knee and thigh of this leg will keep touching the ground.
  • Try to look towards the ceiling by raising the head upwards.
  • Now bend forward in such a way that both the hands can be placed on the ground in front and keep the face facing downwards.
  • Now lift the upper part of the body and bend the leg which was straightened behind so that you can hold the toe of that leg. (If the right leg is bent, then hold the toe with the right hand only) The other hand will remain in normal position and you still have to look towards the ceiling.
  • After staying in this posture for a few seconds, release the toe and bring the leg back again.
  • Now slowly come back to normal position. Repeat this two to three times.

(Read more - Understanding Leg Pain in Women)

  • Lie on your back, now bend your legs, keep the soles flat on the floor and heels should be near the hips.
  • Now rest your right foot on the knee of the other leg. (Just like when sitting on a chair or sofa, cross your legs over each other.)
  • Interlock the fingers of both hands behind the left thigh. Now gently pull the left leg towards you. Try to stay in this posture for one to two minutes.
  • Now open the fingers and straighten both the legs.
  • Now do the same posture with the other leg.
  • End the yoga practice with Shavasana. Do this asana for five minutes.

(Read more - Heel Pain)

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Some effective yoga asanas can be helpful in getting relief from foot pain. Tadasana (mountain pose) stretches the muscles of the feet and strengthens them. Adhomukha Svanasana (downward dog) improves blood circulation and reduces stiffness of the feet. Vrksasana (Tree Pose) tones the leg muscles while improving balance. Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose) relaxes the bones and muscles of the legs. Apart from this, asanas like Vajrasana and Malasana are helpful in bringing flexibility in the joints of the legs. Regular practice reduces pain and increases the strength and stability of the legs.

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