The hustle and bustle of the day or the constant work of the body does not give you rest and this makes you feel tired. This can be both physical or mental. Fatigue affects women more than men.
Mental problems such as anxiety, depression, sadness and stress can also cause fatigue. Apart from this, excessive alcohol use, excessive consumption of caffeine, excessive physical activity, inactivity, lack of sleep and poor eating habits are also responsible for this problem. Even some diseases such as liver failure, anemia, cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, thyroid disease, obesity, sleep apnea and sugar etc. can also be its causes.
The main symptoms of fatigue are exhaustion especially after physical or mental activity. Some other symptoms include lack of interest in work, increased negative thinking, feeling sleepy all the time, feeling weak, headache, irritability, lack of hunger and energy. But you can fight this problem with some easily available foods.
(Read more –Sudden Extreme Fatigue)