Constipation, called vibandha in Ayurveda, is characterised by infrequent bowel movements, which is mostly accompanied by hard stools. It occurs due to the vitiation of vata dosha, which causes the slow accumulation of ama (toxins) and purisha (faecal matter) in the intestine. Kapha and pitta dosha may also be involved in some instances.
Ayurveda describes various treatments that can help remove the accumulated ama and purisha (faeces) from the body and relieve constipation. Ayurvedic treatments for constipation include snehana (oleation), swedana (sudation or sweat therapy), virechana (purgation) and basti (enema). The herbs and medicines used in Ayurveda for the management of constipation include haritaki (chebulic myrobalan), vibhitaki (belleric myrobalan), eranda (castor), dashmoola kwatha, triphala churna, haritaki khanda, vaishvanara churna, hingutriguna taila, abhayarishta and ichhabhedi rasa.