As soon as the summer season arrives, most people start consuming cold water from the fridge, cold drinks, ice cream and ice drinks, and sit in AC and coolers all the time. All these things may give us relief from the heat, but they also harm the body. Many times, by going out of the AC directly into the sun or coming directly into the AC from the sun or drinking cold water immediately after coming from the sun, people get diseases like cold, cough even in the summer season.

If you think that the problem of common cold occurs only in the winter season, then it is not so. Many people also make the mistake of considering the cold and cough that occurs in summer as an allergy. It does not matter whether you have a cold in the winter season, in the summer season its cause is always a virus. There are about 200 different types of viruses, which can cause problems like cold and flu and the symptoms of all these are often the same - sneezing, runny nose, sore throat etc.

(Read more: Head cold)

Many people feel that taking antibiotics in case of a cold will improve their health. But this is not so because the problem of common cold is caused by a virus and not by bacteria and antibiotics only affect diseases caused by bacteria and not on viruses. Therefore, in this article we are telling you about what is the reason for cold and flu in summer, what are its symptoms, how it is treated and what you can do to avoid it.

  1. Reasons For Cold In Summer
  2. Symptoms Of Cold In Summer
  3. How Long Does A Cold Last In Summer?
  4. Treatment Of Cold In Summer
  5. Risk Factors Of Cold In Summer
  6. How To Prevent Cold In Summers
  7. Summary
Doctors for How to Treat a Summer Cold: Remedies and Precautions

The virus that causes the problem of common cold or viral infection in humans during winter and cold months is - Rhinovirus because this virus is able to survive better in cold weather. Whereas the scenario of viral infection changes in the summer season and the virus that can cause cold and cough in summer is called enterovirus.

Dr. Michael Pichichero, researcher of infectious diseases at Rochester General Hospital Research Institute, New York, says, usually colds in summer and winter are caused by different viruses. When we talk about summer colds, we talk about enterovirus infection. Despite the outside environment being hot, enterovirus causes the problem of common cold and can easily infect people.

(Read more: Cold and Cough During Pregnancy)

Enterovirus can also affect the tissues present in your nose and throat, eyes, digestive system and many other parts of the body. After rhinovirus, which is responsible for cold and cough in winter, enterovirus is the second most common type of virus to affect humans. No one becomes seriously ill due to enterovirus infection. Although it can affect people of any age, as is the case with other viral infections, enterovirus infection is more common in children.

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The cold and cough that occurs in summer may be caused by a different type of virus, but its symptoms are similar to those of cold and cough that occur in winter:

(Read more: Cold diet: What to eat)

It is not necessary that common colds that occur in winters have fever along with colds, especially in adults, but summer colds are caused by enteroviruses. Due to this, along with cold, sudden fever can also occur. Some less common enteroviruses can cause conjunctivitis or pink eye, which is a condition in which the eyes become red and the outer surface of the eyes becomes swollen and sometimes a skin rash can also occur.

Apart from this, enterovirus can also cause hand, foot and mouth disease, in which blisters or pimples appear in the hands, feet, mouth and throat along with high fever. In very rare cases, enterovirus can also affect the heart and brain, due to which diseases like meningitis and myocarditis can occur.

Although many people believe that the problem of cold and flu in summer is always worse and painful and lasts longer than the cold in winter. But there is a lack of clinical evidence to prove this claim. On average, the problem of common cold continues for about 10 days and after 7 days there is a reduction in symptoms and improvement in health.

(Read more: Home remedies for common cold)

The problem of colds in children is cured faster than in adults and children recover in less than 7 days. At the same time, sometimes the problem of cold and cough in adults can continue for up to 2 weeks. How long it will take to cure a cold depends mainly on the age of the patient, his health, his genes and other factors also play an important role. The sooner you treat the cold, the sooner it will be cured.

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The cold caused in summer due to enterovirus usually gets cured on its own in a few days or 1 week without any treatment, but if your symptoms are severe such as high fever or skin rashes, then contact the doctor. Apart from this, there is no medicine to kill the virus that causes cold in summer, but there are many treatments that can help reduce your symptoms, so that you recover from the disease quickly:

  • Decongestant or cold and cough medicine to relieve cough and congestion
  • Cough medicine or cough drops
  • OTC medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen to relieve pain and fever
  • Use vapor rub on the chest to relieve chest congestion
  • Taking a hot bath
  • Use a humidifier while sleeping to prevent cough, runny nose and dryness
  • Get enough sleep and rest so that you recover quickly
  • Consume more fluids, especially water. Drink plenty of water but stay away from alcohol, coffee and energy drinks
  • You can drink hot tea, as drinking tea relieves symptoms in cold
  • Consume immunity-boosting vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin C and zinc

Do not give any medicine to newborns and small children without consulting a doctor. Also, do not mix different types of medicines without asking the doctor. Apart from this, honey can be beneficial in the cold and cough, but do not give honey to children under 1 year of age.

A person gets a cold and cough in summer when they come in contact with viruses or germs from an infected person, whether it is through saliva, mucus or through feces and stool. For example, if a sick person coughs or sneezes into his hands and then shakes contaminated hands with another person without washing hands, the virus can spread to the other person as well. Risk factors for catching a cold in summer include:

  • Spending too much time with children who do not wash their hands with soap and water and spread body fluids.
  • Spending too much time in public places that are completely closed or being in contact with others.
  • Not washing hands regularly with soap and water or sanitizer.
  • Weakened immunity due to stress, lack of sleep and prolonged illness.
  • Being too old or too young.

(Read more: Chronic cough)

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Whether it is winter or summer, there is no way to completely protect yourself from cold and flu. But to reduce the risk of getting this infection, you can definitely adopt some preventive measures:

Take care of the immune system
To keep your immune system strong, that is, the power to fight diseases, you should consume a healthy and balanced diet rich in nutrients and should not take too much stress about anything. If you want, you can also take supplements with natural remedies to strengthen immunity.

Get enough sleep
It is necessary to restore the immune system so that your immune system works properly every day and there is no problem in its function and sleep can help you in this. Therefore, take enough sleep daily, that is, at least 7 to 8 hours of good sleep. 

(Read more: Home remedies for cough)

Clean your hands
Regularly clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water or a 70 percent alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Especially after using toilets in public places where there is a high risk of spreading germs. Do not touch your face with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before cooking and before eating.

Stay away from people with cold
If you know that someone has a cold, avoid going too close to them. If you shake hands with them or go near them, do not forget to clean your hands thoroughly. If you have a cold, avoid going to school or the office, so that it does not spread to others.

(Read more: How to Treat Coughing Naturally: Tips and Remedies)

Colds are common in summer, which are usually caused by changes in weather, consumption of cold things, or infection. To avoid cold in summer, it is important to keep the body hydrated and avoid too cold things. Consuming basil, ginger, and honey helps in relieving cold. Apart from this, drinking hot water and inhaling steam provides relief from nasal congestion and sore throat. Cold should not be ignored in summer, as it can cause fatigue and affect the body's immunity. With timely treatment and proper care, it can be cured quickly.

Dr Rahul Gam

Dr Rahul Gam

Infectious Disease
8 Years of Experience

Dr. Arun R

Dr. Arun R

Infectious Disease
5 Years of Experience

Dr. Neha Gupta

Dr. Neha Gupta

Infectious Disease
16 Years of Experience

Dr. Anupama Kumar

Dr. Anupama Kumar

Infectious Disease

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