Chickenpox is also known as Choti Mata in many areas of India. This disease mainly occurs in children and people with weak immunity. Although the effects of this disease are usually mild, its severe symptoms can be seen in infants under 12 months of age and adolescents with weak immunity, pregnant women and adults. Chicken pox is an infectious disease, which easily catches other people. The infection of this disease spreads from one person to another through air. Chicken pox vaccine is used to protect infants, children and other adults from this disease.

In this article, you are being told about the seriousness of chicken pox and to protect against it. Also, in this article, you have been told in detail about what is chicken pox vaccine, at what age should chicken pox vaccine be given, the price of chicken pox vaccine, side effects of chicken pox vaccine and who should not be given chicken pox vaccine.

(Read more - Dos and Don'ts When You Have Chicken Pox

  1. What Is Chicken Pox Vaccine?
  2. At What Age Should The Chicken Pox Vaccine Be Given?
  3. Who Discovered The Chicken Pox Vaccine?
  4. Price Of Chickenpox Price
  5. Side Effects Of Chicken Pox
  6. Who Should Not Get The Chicken Pox Vaccine?
  7. Summary
Doctors for Varicella Vaccine Explained: Protecting Your Family from Chickenpox

Chicken pox vaccine has been made to protect infants and other adults from chicken pox virus. After taking the vaccine, the risk of getting infected with its virus is reduced. To know about chicken pox vaccine, you also have to understand about chicken pox (choti mata) that why this disease occurs. Let us tell you that this disease is also called varicella. This disease is caused by Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Due to this, the patient starts itching, which usually gets cured in a week. Along with this, the following types of symptoms are seen in it. 

Serious symptoms of chicken pox -

In severe symptoms of chicken pox, the patient needs to be hospitalized, as this disease can lead to death of the patient in some cases. In case of chicken pox, the child needs to stay at home for five to six days. Some people get rashes from chicken pox. These are also called shingles.

Chicken pox vaccine is given to prevent this. Chicken pox is caused by the varicella zoster virus, which is why it is also called varicella vaccine. This vaccine is made from a weakened and microscopic virus. This virus has fewer side effects on the body than other viruses. The viruses included in the vaccine do not cause chicken pox and work to stimulate the person's immunity.

(Read more - How to Soothe Chicken Pox Symptoms Naturally at Home)

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The chicken pox vaccine can be given to children between 12 months and 12 years in two doses. Know below about the right age to give the vaccine:

  • First dose: 0.5 ml when the child is between 12 and 15 months
  • Second dose: 0.5 ml when the child is between 4 and 6 years old

Adolescents aged 13 years and above who have never had chicken pox before and have never taken the vaccine should take two doses within at least 28 days. Children and adults need to be given the vaccine in the amount of 0.5 ml to 0.65 ml.

Also, people who have taken only one dose of chicken pox vaccine should also take the second dose. Children below 13 years of age should take the second dose after at least three months, while children above 13 years of age and adults should take the second dose within a minimum of 28 days. 

A combination vaccine called MMRV combines the chicken pox vaccine with the MMR vaccine. MMRV is also an option for children aged 12 months to one year.

(Read more - Healing from Chickenpox: Natural Remedies)

The chicken pox vaccine was discovered by Japanese virologist Dr. Michiaki Takahashi. Dr. Takahashi identified the virus used in this vaccine and created this vaccine. In 1972, all the experiments of this drug were successfully completed. A few years later, this vaccine started being used in Japan and other countries as well.

Some chickenpox vaccines available in India and their prices are described in detail below.

Chickenpox Vaccine                             Price

  • Zostavax                                               7650
  • Varilrix Vaccine                                      1709
  • Varivax Vaccine                                     1690
  • Biovac V Vaccine                                   1799

The chicken pox vaccine is safe and works effectively to prevent chicken pox. But like other vaccines, the chances of side effects are also very high. Generally, there is no problem of any kind with the chicken pox vaccine. This vaccine is given in two doses and its side effects are mostly seen more in the first dose than in the second dose. Common side effects of chicken pox vaccine

  • Pain at the site of injection
  • Fever 
  • Mild rashes
  • Muscle pain and stiffness for some time 

Serious side effects of chicken pox vaccine occur in very rare cases. In some rare cases, after getting the chicken pox vaccine, rashes, lung and liver infections, meningitis (brain fever), seizures, pneumonia and other serious infections start occurring due to the virus present in the vaccine. Children who have very weak immunity may have serious side effects after taking the vaccine.

(Read more - Healing from Chickenpox: Natural Remedies)

People should not take the chicken pox vaccine in the following conditions or should take it only after consulting a doctor.

In case of severe and fatal allergy:
If the person or child has ever faced a severe allergy after taking a vaccine or has an allergy at the site of injection, then the person or child should not be given chicken pox vaccine.

Women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant:
A pregnant woman should wait a little while to take the chicken pox vaccine. Apart from this, after taking the chicken pox vaccine, the woman should wait for at least one month to try to get pregnant.

Weak immunity:
Chicken pox vaccines should not be taken even if the immunity is weak due to HIV or other treatments such as radiation, immunotherapy, steroids and chemotherapy

Anyone in the family having immunity related problems -
If any member of the person or the child's family has immunity related problems, then chicken pox vaccine should be taken only after medical advice.

Recently blood transfusion or consumption of any blood element -
In this situation, one should wait for about three months or more before taking the chicken pox vaccine.

TB -
A TB patient should consult a doctor before taking the chicken pox vaccine.

Taking any other vaccine -
Taking any other vaccine in the last four months.

Ill health -
Usually, one does not have to wait to get the chicken pox vaccine if one has mild symptoms of any disease (such as cold, cough etc.). But if the symptoms of the disease are more severe, then in such a situation, the doctor's advice should be taken before taking the vaccine.

(Read more - How to get rid of fever: home remedies and tips)

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The chicken pox vaccine, also known as the varicella vaccine, is an effective and safe remedy that prevents chicken pox (jalVar). This disease usually occurs in children and causes itchy blisters on the skin, fever and fatigue. The vaccine prevents the infection or reduces its effects by building immunity in the body. This vaccine is usually given in two doses—the first dose at the age of 12-15 months and the second at the age of 4-6 years. This vaccine not only provides individual protection but also builds herd immunity. This vaccine is highly recommended to prevent serious complications related to chicken pox, such as pneumonia and skin infections.

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