Chickenpox is a viral infection that is caused due to varicella-zoster virus. This virus spreads via air or by direct contact with the infected person. It generally affects children aged below 10 years but rarely occurs in adults. Chickenpox is mainly characterised by the appearance of itchy blisters all over the body. Taking chickenpox vaccine once between 10 and 15 months and once between 4 and 6 years is the best preventive measure for this disease. However, even vaccinated children might get diagnosed with a milder form of chickenpox.

According to Ayurveda, chickenpox or laghu masurika is caused due to vitiation of tridoshas (three doshas). Panchakarma (five therapies) methods of vamana (medical emesis) along with the external applications of lepa (coating the affected body part with medications) using herbs like nimba (neem) are used for the treatment of chickenpox. Herbs like yashtimadhu (mulethi), guduchi (heart-leaved moonseed), haridra (turmeric) and manjishtha (Indian madder) are given as blood-purifying agents to clear the infection from body. Isolating the affected individual, maintaining a clean environment and using sterile clothes and objects also improves recovery and prevents the spread of chickenpox.

  1. Ayurvedic view of chickenpox
  2. Ayurvedic treatment for chickenpox
  3. Ayurvedic herbs and medicines for chickenpox
  4. Dietary and lifestyle changes for chickenpox patient as per ayurveda
  5. How effective are ayurvedic medicines and treatments for chickenpox
  6. Side effects and risks of ayurvedic medicine and treatments for chickenpox
  7. Takeaway
Doctors for Ayurvedic medicine, treatment and remedies for Chicken Pox

Chickenpox is referred to as laghu masurika or masurika in Ayurveda. The term masurika comes from the word masoor (red lentils) and is used in reference to the multiple red-coloured boils that appear on the body during this illness. 

Eating excessively salty, bitter or sour foods; incompatible foods (e.g., fish with milk); contaminated peas or leafy green vegetables and excessive eating habits are considered as the causative factors for chickenpox.

Jwara (fever), kandu (itching), arati (loss of interest), shotha (swelling), bhrama (confusion), araktanetrata (redness of the eyes), angabhang (body pain) and tvakvaivarnya (discolouration of the skin) are some of the symptoms observed before the manifestation of this disease.

Small- or large-sized, reddish yellow–coloured blisters start appearing after 3 to 7 days, which then give out a pus-like discharge and become scaly and dry. Other symptoms include trishna (thirst), arati, daha (burning sensation), and vedana (pain).

On the basis of the dosha involved, the five main types of chickenpox are:

  • Vataja (caused by vitiated vata),
  • Pittaja (caused by vitiated pitta),
  • Sannipataja (caused by vitiation of all three doshas),
  • kaphaja (caused by vitiated kapha)
  • Raktaja (caused by vitiated rakta dhatu).

The type of blisters and symptoms vary for each kind of masurika and according to the location of its occurrence, for example:

  • Blisters on muscles or skin are greasy, pus-forming, itchy and painful.
  • Blisters on reproductive organs are small, ripe, waxy and painful.
  • Blisters on the bones produce a cutting pain in the bones and vital organs.
  • Blisters on fatty tissues are large, round, soft and slightly elevated.

Indriyaghata (damage to the organs) and kurupta (ugly appearance) are the main consequences of chickenpox. Both preventive and curative measures for chickenpox are available in Ayurvedic medicine system.

  • Vamana
    • Vamana therapy aims at eliminating toxins and vitiated doshas (especially excess pitta and kapha) from the body by inducing vomiting. Oleation therapy and sudation therapy are typically performed before vamana.
    • Along with skin conditions like chickenpox, vamana therapy is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, rhinitis, anorexia and respiratory conditions.
    • Vamana therapy is indicated for all types of masurika other than pittaja masurika.
    • Vasa (Malabar nut), yashtimadhu, nimba, patola (pointed gourd) and other herbs are used for vamana therapy in people with chickenpox.
  • Lepas
    • Lepas are medicinal plasters that are used to achieve relief from inflammatory swellings.
    • These plasters are applied in the opposite direction to hair and are removed once dried.
    • A lepa is prepared by mixing herbs with water or another medium to achieve a semi-solid paste-like consistency.
    • Pralepa (thin and cold pastes with absorbing or non-absorbing properties to restore deranged pitta), alepa (not too thin or thick, these pastes are useful for ulcer treatment) and pradhena (thick or thin pastes to restore vitiated kapha and vata) are the three types of lepa used in Ayurvedic treatments.
    • Manahshiladi lepa, karanjbijadi lepa, eladi lepa and karviradi lepa are useful in treating chickenpox.
    • Another external application, a body lotion prepared using brahmi (water hyssop), gul heena (mignonette tree) and neem can be applied and gently massaged on the entire body to treat chickenpox. Brahmi and gul heena provide a cool, anti-itching, moisturising, and skin nurturing effect, whereas neem acts as a blood purifier.

Ayurvedic herbs for chickenpox

  • Haridra
    • Haridra has antibacterial and antibiotic properties that make it useful for the treatment of many skin conditions including psoriasis and chickenpox. It is known as a natural bruise and wound healer.
    • The bioactive properties of haridra help improve the digestive flora, metabolism and are effective in treating inflammatory conditions.
    • Turmeric also helps treat health conditions like chronic hepatitis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, piles, swelling and urinary diseases.
    • When given orally, turmeric can reduce itching, fight bacteria and provide anti-inflammatory effects in those diagnosed with chickenpox.
    • You can take haridra with milk or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Yashtimadhu
    • Yashtimadhu is a bittersweet herb that acts on the nervous, digestive, excretory and respiratory systems.
    • It is beneficial in the treatment of vata disorders, colds, inflammatory conditions, ulcers, sore throat and pain.
    • This herb has natural healing and blood-purifying properties that make it useful for people with chickenpox.
    • You can take yashtimadhu in the form of a decoction, powder with ghee (clarified butter), milk decoction or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Guduchi
    • Guduchi is a bitter-tasting herb that acts on the circulatory and digestive systems.
    • This herb improves immunity levels in all three doshas. Therefore, it can help improve the overall health of those diagnosed with chickenpox. Guduchi also has blood-purifying properties.
    • It is useful in the treatment of piles, dysentery, fevers, indigestion, pitta conditions and gout.
    • You can take guduchi in the form of a powder, extract or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Manjishtha
    • Manjishtha is a pungent-tasting herb that acts on the circulatory system.
    • It is known as the best herb for blood purification. Manjishtha improves blood circulation, controls bleeding and mends broken bones.
    • It cleanses and regulates the function of body organs and helps treat many conditions such as hepatitis, chickenpox, diarrhoea, paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain and dysmenorrhoea.
    • You can take manjishtha in the form of a powder with ghee, decoction, paste or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Nimba
    • Nimba is a bitter-tasting astringent herb that acts on the urinary, digestive and circulatory systems.
    • It has antiviral and disinfectant properties that make it useful for treating many health conditions including chickenpox.
    • Neem also has detoxifying, blood-purifying and stimulant properties.
    • Nimba helps heal ulcers, nausea and joint inflammation.
    • It is given as a blood-purifying herb to people diagnosed with chickenpox and is also used as a bath solution.
    • You can take nimba in the form of a powder, decoction, medicated ghee, infusion, oil or as per your physician’s direction.

Ayurvedic medicines for chickenpox

  • Paripathadi kadha
    • Paripathadi kadha is a herbal decoction made from yashtimadhu, haritaki (chebulic myrobalan), gulabkalika (rosebuds), parpata (Indian fumitory), musta (nutgrass) and other herbs.
    • This medicine is mainly indicated for the treatment of chickenpox. It helps relieve the tikshna (incisive) and ushna (hot) qualities of pittaja chickenpox.
    • It is also used in the treatment of romantika (measles) and sheetala (smallpox).
  • Shatadhauta ghrita
    • This topical formulation is prepared from cow ghee.
    • It is used to treat kushtha (skin conditions), daha, vatarakta (gout), kaksha (painful boils in the armpit) and gudapak (inflammation in the anus).
    • Shatadhauta ghrita is also indicated in the treatment of chickenpox, scars, burns and wounds.
  • Chandrakala rasa
    • Chandrakala rasa is prepared using shuddha parad (purified mercury), tamra bhasma (calcined preparation of copper), gandhak (brimstone) and abhrak bhasma (calcined preparation of mica).
    • This mixture is then infused with musta decoction, shatavari (asparagus) juice, kumari (aloe) juice, parpat decoction or other herbal fluids before use.
    • It is useful in the treatment of raktapitta (bleeding disorders), visarpa (herpes), kaksha, kamala (jaundice), jwara and chickenpox.
  • Tiktpanchak kwatha
    • Guduchi, nimba (neem), patola, kantakari (chhoti katheri) and vasa (Malabar nut) are used to make this decoction.
    • This medicine is useful for reducing fevers and treating romantika, masurika and sheetala.
  • Sutashekara rasa
    • Sutshekhara rasa is a herbal formulation prepared from gandhak (brimstone), shunthi (dried ginger), tankan (borax), karchura (white turmeric), ela (cardamom), pippali (long pepper), dalchini (cinnamon) and other ingredients.
    • It helps alleviate common symptoms of many diseases like fever, pain, headache and nausea.
    • This medicine is also used to treat breathing conditions, chickenpox, heartburn and pain.

As treatments vary according to numerous factors and an individual’s prakriti (constitution), consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for the appropriate medications and treatments for your specific complaints.

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  • Use sterile clothes and objects.
  • Trim your nails to prevent damage from scratching.


  • Avoid contact with someone who has chickenpox as it is a contagious disease that spreads through air and on coming in direct contact with the blisters.

A review article written about the chemical constituents of traditionally used plants stated that the roots, leaves, bark, flowers and even the seeds of neem tree are useful in treating infectious and parasitic diseases like malaria, leprosy, chickenpox and jaundice.

Ayurvedic medicines are completely safe and do not have any side effects. However, certain points need to be taken into consideration before taking these medicines since not all treatments and herbs are suitable for all body types. For example:

  • Vamana therapy should not be performed in the elderly and children. People with health conditions like heart diseases, cachexia and haematemesis should not undergo vamana therapy.
  • Manjishtha may aggravate vata in the body and cause severe chills.

Chickenpox is a contagious skin disease that affects almost everyone once in their lifetime. It is characterised by itchy, pus-filled boils that are very discomforting. Getting vaccinated is the best preventive measure for chickenpox. Ayurvedic treatment of chickenpox includes the use of herbs, topical formulations, as well as oral formulations to reduce itching, boil formation and fevers. These formulations have blood-purifying, immunity-enhancing and health-promoting activities that help achieve a speedy recovery. 

However, it is essential to include healthy foods, avoid meat, and maintain good hygiene along with Ayurvedic treatment to achieve complete recovery at the earliest.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience


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