Hyperacidity, commonly called as acidity, is a condition in which excessive secretion of acid in the stomach leads to symptoms like burning sensation and pain in stomach and chest, loss of appetite, vomiting, flatulence and heartburn. If this condition is not managed appropriately on time, it may lead to complications like gastric ulcers, chronic indigestion, weight gain, bloating and pain. Hyperacidity is generally caused by several external factors like improper diet, smoking and alcohol intake. Lack of physical activity, irregular eating patterns, stress and prolonged use of certain medications also increase the risk of acidity. Other predisposing factors for this condition include pregnancy, obesity, bacterial infections, ageing and fasting.

Conventionally, proton pump inhibiting medicines are used to treat acidity. Though in the long term, they have several side effects such as osteoporosis-related fractures of the hip and spine and enteric and non-enteric infections.

A homeopathic physician prescribes several safe and effective remedies that can be used for the management of acidity and other symptoms associated with it. Some of these remedies include pulsatilla pratensis, sulphuricum acidum, argentum nitricum, nux vomica, calcarea carbonica, iris versicolor, carbo vegetabilis, robinia pseudacacia, atropinum, lycopodium clavatum and natrium carbonicum.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for acidity
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for acidity patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for acidity
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for acidity
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Acidity
  • Pulsatilla Pratensis
    Common name: Wind flower
    Symptoms: This medicine is primarily useful in individuals whose mucous membranes are affected, causing thick discharges. Pulsatilla pratensis also relieves some other symptoms which include:
    • Involuntary belching and tasting food in the mouth for a prolonged time
    • Bitter taste or loss of taste sensation for all types of food
    • Strong dislike for fatty or warm food and drinks
    • Pain due to ulcerations
    • Flatulence and burning sensation below ribs specifically on the left side
    • Throbbing sensation in stomach
    • Stomach pain after having meals

The symptoms worsen from heat, post-meals, consumption of fatty foods, in the evening, warm weather, lying on the left or on the painless side of body with feet hanging down. Symptoms get better in the open and fresh air, on consumption of cold food and drinks and in cold weather.

  • Sulphuricum Acidum
    Common name: Sulphuric acid
    Symptoms: Sulphuricum Acidum is mainly used for individuals with stomach pain and may also aid in the management of associated symptoms like:
    • Burning sensation in chest (heartburn)
    • Burping with a sour taste and vomiting
    • Sensation of coldness in stomach

Excess of heat or cold in the morning and evening worsens the symptoms, whereas warmth and lying on the affected side improves the symptoms.

  • Argentum Nitricum
    Common name: Nitrate of silver
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited to individuals with abdominal pain, explosive belching, trembling in the affected body part and flatulence. Following are some other symptoms that can be treated using argentum nitricum:
    • Belching that accompanies most gastric diseases
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • A burning sensation and persistent pain that causes distress
    • Ulceration in stomach lining with radiating pain
    • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of stomach
    • Pain on the left side, under ribs
    • Trembling and pulsating sensations in stomach
    • Stomach pain that radiates and causes pain all over the abdomen

Symptoms may worsen after eating meals, during menses, with consumption of cold food and sweets, during the night and due to warmth. Symptoms are also affected by emotions but they are improved with fresh air and cold weather. A belch may also help in improving symptoms.

  • Nux Vomica
    Common name: Poison-nut
    Symptoms: Nux Vomica is primarily used for treating indigestion and can relieve the following symptoms:
    • Nausea in the morning and after eating
    • Heaviness and pain in stomach that worsens after meals
    • Flatulence and vomiting
    • Indigestion due to consumption of strong coffee
    • Bloating for several hours after eating

Symptoms worsen in the morning and improve in the evening. Other factors that cause worsening of the symptoms are mental exertion, meals, narcotics, consumption of spices, and dry and cold weather. Symptoms get better after a nap, while at rest and during monsoon.

A clinical study including male and female participants with non-erosive reflux disease indicated the efficiency of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of acidity. All the members included in this study were in the age group of 18 to 60 years and were experiencing symptoms such as heartburn and/or regurgitation for 6 weeks with at least two episodes of symptoms in a week. These participants were divided into different groups and treated with different homeopathic remedies including nux vomica, pulsatilla nigricans, argentum nitricum, sulphuricum acidum and others. These remedies were found to be effective in treating numerous symptoms of acidity such as heartburn, belching, belching post-meals, regurgitation, flatulence, nausea and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

  • Calcarea Carbonica
    Common name: Carbonate of lime
    Symptoms: Calcarea carbonica can help in the management of chest pain, nausea and hyperacidity. It is also helpful in relieving the following symptoms:
    • Frequent sour belching and vomiting
    • Loss of appetite after overexertion
    • Burning sensation in the heart and loud belching
    • Pain and cramps in stomach; cramps may get severe on consumption of cold water
    • Symptoms are aggravated after eating food

Worsening of the symptoms may occur after mental or physical exertion, ascending to high altitudes, exposure to cold temperature or consumption of cold food or drinks, and standing. Dry climatic conditions and lying on the painful side can help improve the condition.

  • Iris Versicolor
    Common name: Blue flag
    Symptoms: Iris Versicolor is a valuable remedy for the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions. The following symptoms are treated using this remedy:
    • Burning sensation in the entire digestive tract
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Excessive flow of saliva
    • Severe pain, flatulence and burning sensation in anus
    • Loss of appetite

Symptoms worsen in the evening, at night and after rest. Continuous movement can help in the improvement of the condition.

  • Carbo Vegetabilis
    Common name: Vegetable charcoal
    Symptoms: Carbo Vegetabilis is the most suitable remedy for individuals who feel heaviness and burning sensation in certain parts of the body including stomach. It is especially used for individuals who have not completely recovered from their previous disease. The other symptoms that can be successfully managed with this remedy include:
    • Sleepiness and excessive burping
    • Flatulence along with pain that worsens on lying down
    • Burping and distress after eating or drinking
    • Pain and a burning sensation in stomach that extends to the chest due to distension of stomach
    • Nausea in the morning
    • Slow digestion, due to which, foods get decomposed before its digestion and absorption in the body

Symptoms are worse in the evening and at night. They may also worsen in cold weather and after consumption of fatty food, coffee, milk, wine or butter. Burping can help improve symptoms.

  • Robinia Pseudacacia
    Common name: Yellow locust
    Symptoms: Robinia Pseudacacia is one of the best remedies for individuals with pronounced acidity and severe acrid eructation (burping). It is effective in reducing burning sensations and stomach pain that aggravates at night. It is also safe to be used for treating acidity in children. Other symptoms that can be effectively managed using this remedy are:
    • Nausea and sour burps
    • Profuse vomiting
    • Excessive distension of stomach and bowels
    • Flatulence
  • Atropinum
    Common name: Atropine
    Symptoms: This remedy is useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers and inflammation of pancreas. Some other symptoms that can be relieved using atropinum are:
    • Vomiting, especially after the consumption of hot drinks
    • Pain in the umbilical region
    • Swelling in the pyloric region, which is the last part of stomach
  • Lycopodium Clavatum
    Common name: Club moss
    Symptoms: Lycopodium Clavatum works well in individuals with pain, gas and weakness. Following are some other symptoms that can be treated using lycopodium clavatum:
    • Sour belching and weakened digestion
    • Feeling pressure in the stomach after eating food
    • A feeling of fullness even after light meals
    • Incomplete eructations that remain in the throat for hours, leading to burning sensations

Symptoms worsen between 4 to 8 pm and also in a hot environment and bed and improve at midnight. Movement, warm food and drinks also help in relieving symptoms.

  • Natrium Carbonicum
    Common name: Carbonate of sodium
    Symptoms: This remedy is primarily used in the management of weakness and exhaustion, which can be due to many underlying causes. Some symptoms that are effectively managed using this remedy are:
    • Weak digestion that leads to an upset stomach on slight changes in diet.
    • Bitter taste and excessive belching
    • Dyspepsia

Symptoms may worsen due to changes in weather, mental exertion, summer heat, music and also while sitting and improve by moving around and walking.

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A carefully controlled diet and lifestyle can help in the better management of acidity symptoms. Also, it will prevent the interference of foods with the action of homepathic medicines and thus ensuring a quick recovery.


  • In acute acidity, gratifying your desires regarding food and drinks by satisfying cravings can be of help
  • Eat suitable and nutritious foods as per your condition 
  • Include some amount of physical activity in your routine, especially those that include exposure to fresh air


  • Do not eat spicy foods and also avoid stems and roots of herbs with medicinal properties
  • Do not drink liquor, coffee and water with a strong odour
  • Avoid emotions like anger and grief and any activity that may lead to overexertion of the mind and body

Many homeopathic medicines are useful for the management of acidity and its associated symptoms like heartburn, abdominal pain, disturbed sleep, nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are diluted to a level where they retain their medicinal properties but do not cause any side effects and are safe to be used in individuals of all age groups.

Many clinical studies have reported the effectiveness and safety of homeopathic medicines in relieving acidity and treating the underlying conditions responsible for hyperacidity. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one such disease that leads to hyper acidic conditions. Reflux of stomach acid into the oesophagus leads to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive irritability and abdominal distension. Clinical studies indicate that homeopathic medicines along with some dietary and lifestyle modifications can be helpful in the treatment of GERD and thus the acidity caused due to it.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural compounds that are diluted to extremely minute quantities before administration. This makes them non-toxic, safe and effective option for the treatment of various ailments.

Unlike conventional medicine, it also boosts immune system apart from treating disease symptoms Homeopathic medicines can be used safely in individuals of all age groups and also pregnant women, and it does not lead to addiction and dependence. Thus, it is a beneficial alternative in the treatment of acidity and its associated symptoms. However, to avoid secondary effects it is best to take these medicines under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Diet and lifestyle are the major causes of acidity. Although acidity is a common problem, when left untreated for long it may lead to complications such as gastric ulcers and bloating. The pain and discomfort caused by excessive acid in the stomach make it difficult to concentrate on work and it also disturbs sleep. Conventional medicines may provide temporary relief from acidity but relapse of this condition is very common after discontinuing the medicine. Homeopathic medicine treats the root cause of disease and ensures a long term relief. Consult a homeopathic doctor before taking any remedies to relieve acidity symptoms and get rid of acidity permanently.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


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