If children remain active, parents feel happy. At the same time, there are some children who get tired after doing light activities. Such children often complain of feeling tired. The reason for this can be children being physically weak. Symptoms of weakness in children can be seen along with fatigue, such as sleeping late, avoiding playing, dizziness, etc. If we talk about the causes of weakness in children, then there can be anemia in the body, asthma and depression, etc. Based on these reasons, children's weakness can be treated. Today in this article you will learn in detail about the symptoms, causes and remedies of weakness in children -

(Read more - Home Remedies for Fighting Fatigue and Weakness)

  1. Causes And Symptoms Of Weakness In Children
  2. Side Effects Of Medicines
  3. Treatment Of Weakness In Children
  4. Summary
Doctors for How to Identify and Treat Weakness in Children

There can be many reasons for weakness in children, which can include sleep apnea, excessive consumption of medicines and insomnia, etc. Let us know in detail about these causes and the symptoms seen during this time -

Sleep Apnea

Being tired all the time can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea in children. This is a condition in which there is trouble breathing during sleep. The cause of this problem is the child's excess weight, enlarged tonsils or adenoid glands. Apart from this, any kind of problem in the jaw or mouth also increases the risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Symptoms of sleep apnea in children -

  • Difficulty breathing while sleeping.
  • Waking up frequently at night.
  • Snoring while sleeping.
  • Heavy breathing.
  • Bed wetting.
  • Inability to concentrate in studies, etc.
  • If such symptoms are seen in children, contact the doctor immediately.

(Read more - Causes of Hernia in Children)

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Emotional stress

If the child is under stress due to any reason, then he may also feel weak. In such a situation, parents need to pay attention to their activities, talk to them and try to relieve them from stress. Symptoms of emotional stress -

  • Being sad.
  • Refusing to go to school.
  • Not feeling like playing.
  • Keeping distance from parents etc.

In this situation, parents should maintain contact with children. Instead of scolding or beating them, they should try to explain to them lovingly. Also, they should try to understand their feelings.

(Read more - Epilepsy in Children)


Some children do not sleep properly at night, due to which they may feel very tired. In this situation, advise children to take a bath with warm water before sleeping at night. Ask them to read books. These efforts can help children get good and deep sleep. Apart from this, ask children to go to bed about 15 minutes before sleeping. Fix a time for sleeping and waking up at night, so that they can get good and deep sleep. The symptoms of insomnia in children are almost the same as those in adults, such as -

  • Turning sides throughout the night.
  • Getting up and sitting in between.
  • Avoiding sleeping.
  • Complaining of not getting enough sleep in the morning.
  • Feeling weak throughout the day, etc.

(Read more - Childhood Obesity)


Narcolepsy can also be the cause of physical weakness in children. In this condition, children complain of feeling very sleepy during the day. This is a chronic sleep disorder that affects children. Narcolepsy is caused by a lack of hypocretin in the brain. Hypocretin is a type of chemical that controls the ability of children to sleep and wake up. Symptoms of narcolepsy -

  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Affect in the ability to move and speak.
  • Changes in the sleeping and waking pattern, etc.

(Read more - Fever in Children)

Children may also have sleep problems due to the side effects of some medicines taken by them. These medicines include amphetamine and methylphenidate (Ritalin) etc. Due to such medicines, the sleeping pattern of children is affected.Symptoms of side effects of medicines -

  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Skin allergies.
  • Vomiting, etc.

Some other causes and symptoms of weakness in children

  • Due to infections like Epstein-Barr virus, children remain very tired and weak. This fatigue lasts from a few weeks to a few months.
  • Chronic diseases, such as asthma, also cause a lot of fatigue in children. Its symptoms depend on the disease and its severity.
  • Red blood cells in the body work to circulate oxygen. Weakness can occur if there are not enough red blood cells in the body.
  • When hypothyroidism occurs, the production of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland becomes uncontrolled and the metabolism in the body slows down. In such a situation, fatigue can be felt.
  • Apart from this, children can also feel tired due to many reasons. Identify their symptoms and get immediate treatment, so that the child can be active and healthy.

(Read more - Calcium Deficiency in Children)

The treatment of weakness in children depends on its symptoms and causes, because each cause can be treated differently. For example-

 If children have weakness due to iron deficiency, they can be given iron therapy, which can improve their symptoms. Along with this, to keep the body of children active, they can also be advised to change their lifestyle, which includes getting good sleep, exercising, and taking a healthy diet. Some other measures are as follows -

  • Keep an eye on the daily routine and activities of the child and always make him feel energetic and healthy.
  • Start creating a sleepy environment in the child's room an hour before sleeping, such as dimming the lights of the room, turning off the television and other electronic devices, etc.
  • Try to make the child spend time in activities other than studies three to four days a week.
  • Set a fixed time for each child to do school work, hang out with friends or play.
  • If the child is involved in a particular sports activity throughout the year, then definitely give him a break of 2-3 months from it, so that there is a little change in his environment and routine.
  • Always encourage your child to eat healthy and nutritious food and drink plenty of water. This will strengthen his immune system and reduce the chances of getting fatigue-causing diseases.

(Read more - How to Recognize and Treat Brain Fever in Children)

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There can be many reasons for weakness in children. In such a situation, it is important to know their causes. Get your children treated on time after knowing the causes so that its severity can be reduced. At the same time, parents should also support their children to keep them active.

Dr. Pritesh Mogal

Dr. Pritesh Mogal

8 Years of Experience

Dr Shivraj Singh

Dr Shivraj Singh

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Varshil Shah

Dr. Varshil Shah

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Amol chavan

Dr. Amol chavan

10 Years of Experience

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