As soon as the winter season arrives, children start getting many types of diseases. Cold and coughing in children is a common problem in winter. But along with this, the risk of children getting flu also increases. Many times parents are unable to differentiate between flu and cold. By the way, both these problems are different. Cold and cough are caused by many types of viruses in the upper respiratory system (nose, mouth and throat), while flu is caused by a special type of influenza group virus. Flu is considered a more serious disease than cold and cough, which mainly causes a big problem for children under 5 years of age and the elderly. Many times the possibility of pneumonia increases due to flu. In this article, you have been told in detail about flu (influenza) in children. Along with this, an attempt has been made to tell you in detail about the types of flu in children, symptoms of flu in children, causes of flu in children, prevention and treatment of flu in children, etc.

(Read more - Understanding Influenza Vaccines)

  1. Types Of Flu In Children
  2. Symptoms Of Flu (Influenza) In Children
  3. Causes Of Flu (Influenza) In Children
  4. Protection Of Children From Flu (Influenza)
  5. Treatment Of Children's Flu (Influenza)
  6. Summary

There are four types of flu viruses (A, B, C and D). Which are mentioned below.

Flu virus A and B:Usually in winters, flu virus A and B cause infection.

Virus C:Flu type C virus has mild side effects in the respiratory system. Even after getting infected with it, a person sometimes does not feel any symptoms. This type of flu does not cause an epidemic. 

Virus D:The D type virus mainly affects animals and does not infect humans.

(Read more - Influenza in Children)

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Flu or influenza is called a respiratory disease, but when a child gets the flu, its side effects are seen in his entire body. Usually its symptoms appear two to four days after being affected by the virus and these symptoms increase rapidly. It is difficult to recognize the symptoms and signs of flu in a newborn baby and sometimes it is mistaken for a bacterial infection. Along with this, babies below the age of 6 months have the problem of flu in very few cases. Other symptoms of flu in children are being described further. The child has high fever, which can range from 39.4 degrees Celsius to 40.5 degrees Celsius.

In older children, it seems like a respiratory tract infection (such as croup, bronchitis, pneumonia)

Older children may have stomach pain

Newborns experience symptoms of lethargy, less appetite and decreased blood circulation in the flu 

(Read more - Common cold in babies)

When To Take The Child To The Doctor Immediately

If the child experiences the following symptoms, take him to the doctor as soon as possible:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rapid breathing
  • Skin color becomes blue or gray
  • Not drinking much water 
  • Continuous vomiting by the child
  • Irritability of the child

(Read more - Infant Stomach Pain)

The main cause of influenza or flu in children is viruses. All three types of flu viruses (A, B and C) cause this infection. In this, A and B types of viruses cause flu and influenza every year, while C type virus causes mild symptoms and fewer cases of it are seen.

The influenza virus usually spreads from one child to another through air. When a child infected with flu sneezes or coughs, the viruses present in the sneeze infect other children through air. These viruses can survive for a short time in the outside environment. When a child touches things of a person infected with the flu and then puts his hands on his face or nose, the flu virus infects children.

(Read more - Pneumonia in babies and children)

Can The Flu Cause Other Problems In Children?
Children are more likely to have other problems after flu like sinus infection, ear infection and pneumonia. If the child has fever for more than four days, then you should talk to your doctor. Also, if the child has trouble breathing, has ear pain, heaviness in the head and nose and other serious problems start, then contact the doctor immediately. Children below two years of age are more likely to have complications of flu. 

(Read more - Swine Flu)

You have to adopt many measures to protect children from the flu. Some of its measures are given below.

  • Clean the child's hands with soap or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Do not let the child touch the mouth, nose or eyes without washing hands. 
  • Keep the child away from a person infected with flu, because due to coughing and sneezing, the flu virus can infect people present within 6 feet. 
  • Keep children's toys clean.
  • A child above 6 months of age should be vaccinated against flu. If the child is below the prescribed age for vaccination, then ensure that the people living around the child must have been vaccinated. This reduces the chances of the child getting the flu.

(Read more - Newborn Baby, Infant and Child Health Care Tips)

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The treatment of children's flu depends on many factors, such as the child's age and previous health condition etc. The main purpose of treating flu is to reduce the severity of symptoms. If the doctor feels that the child may have other problems or complications due to flu, then he can give the child antiviral medicines such as baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza), oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Zanamivir : relenza).

These antiviral medicines reduce the duration of the disease by about two days. In many cases, these medicines stop the virus from growing, due to which the disease does not spread. Vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu.

Antibiotics do not work in this disease, because they only treat bacterial infections, while flu is a viral infection.

Home Remedies For Flu In Children

The symptoms of flu can last for more than a week. The pain experienced by the child during this time can be reduced by home care. Its remedies are given below.

  • Let the child rest as needed. 
  • Give the child his favorite and healthy drinks to drink, so that there is no shortage of water in his body.
  • Use a humidifier in the child's room. This device keeps the child's room moist, which makes it easier for him to breathe.

When the child has the flu, his nose gets filled with mucus, in such a situation the child is unable to breathe through the mouth. At the same time, it becomes difficult for children to swallow food while breathing through the mouth. In such a situation, clean the child's nose thoroughly from inside before eating and before sleeping. There are many types of suction bulbs available to clean the nose of babies, with the help of which their blocked nose can be easily cleaned.

(Read more - Newborn Stretching)

Flu (influenza) can be a common but serious illness in children, which is caused by a virus. Its symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body ache, and fatigue. Young children and children with weak immune systems may have complications from the flu, such as pneumonia or ear infection. Annual vaccination is the most effective way to prevent flu. Also, the habit of washing hands, balanced diet, and rest help to strengthen the immune system of children. It is necessary to contact the doctor immediately on any serious symptoms.

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