ORS stands for oral rehydration salt, which is prepared by mixing electrolytes and carbohydrates and dissolved in water to make an oral rehydration solution. For this reason, ORS is also called electrolyte water. It contains electrolytes such as sodium, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and sodium citrate. A lack of fluids and electrolytes in the body can result in severe dehydration, which can prove to be fatal. That's why experts recommend drinking ORS to avoid dehydration and rehydrate the body. In this article, we will discuss when ORS solution should be taken.

(Read more: Dehydration in children)

  1. ORS for vomiting and diarrhea
  2. ORS for dehydration
  3. How to make an ORS solution
  4. How much ORS to take
  5. Things to note
Doctors for When should ORS solution be taken?

ORS is used when the body becomes dehydrated due to vomiting and diarrhea. The onset of diarrhea and vomiting leads to a lack of fluids and electrolytes in the body, due to which the body is in need of replenishing these. Usually, it is seen in young children and it can also prove to be very dangerous. According to a research study, 1 out of every 9 deaths of children worldwide is caused by diarrhea.

(Read more: Electrolyte imbalance)

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The electrolytes and water present in ORS rehydrate the body and prevent dehydration, thereby helping maintain the ideal water balance in the body. Most dehydration problems occur in adults while travelling, so keeping ORS handy is a good idea in those situations. Some athletes and trainers also use ORS to keep themselves hydrated. 

(Read more: Homeopathic treatment for diarrhea)

You can buy ORS powder from the market or make ORS solution at home by following the step below:

  • Oral rehydration salt needs to be mixed with water to form an oral rehydration solution.
  • Always use 1 liter of boiled or filtered water to make ORS. Once the ORS is prepared, it should be consumed within 1 hour.
  • Always use the right amount of water while making ORS. ORS is not able to rehydrate the body in a sufficient way when there is more or less water.
  • You can make ORS very easily at home too. Take 1 liter of water and add five to six teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt in it. Mix well and use the solution to hydrate yourself.

(Read more: Home remedies for diarrhea)

The amount of ORS you should drink depends on your age, such as:

  • Children from 1 month to 1 year of age should be given ORS only up to 1-1½ times their normal feed amount, but do not do this without a doctor's advice.
  • Children from 1 to 12 years of age can take 200 ml of ORS solution after every diarrhea episode after consulting a doctor.
  • Children above 12 years of age and adults should be given 200-400 ml of ORS solution after every diarrhea episode.
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If you have been suffering from diarrhea for two-three days, then you should visit a doctor for treatment. In such situations, ORS should not be used without a doctor's advice. There are generally no side effects observed with oral rehydration solution.

(Read more: Ayurvedic medicine for diarrhea)

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