Encephalocele, many people may be unaware of this disease. It is a rare type of birth defect, which affects the brain. This disease can develop in the fetus as soon as the woman becomes pregnant. It is a type of neural tube defect. Due to this serious disease, only 43 percent of the babies survive. Today in this article we will tell you what is encephalocele and what are its causes, symptoms and treatment -

(Read more - Enterocele)

  1. What Is Encephalocele?
  2. Causes Of Encephalocele
  3. Symptoms of Encephalocele
  4. Treatment Of Encephalocele
  5. How Many Babies Survive With Encephaloceles?
  6. Summary
Doctors for Encephalocele: What Expecting Parents Need to Know

Encephalocele is a type of birth defect related to the neural tube. Let us tell you that the neural tube is a narrow channel, which folds and closes to form the brain and spinal cord during the third and fourth weeks of pregnancy. Encephalocele occurs when the neural tube does not close completely during pregnancy. As a result, it can affect the middle part of the head or the back part from the nose to the neck. By the way, usually it can affect the back of the head, the top of the head or the part between the forehead and the nose. Statistics show that 1 in 10 thousand live births has the problem of encephalocele.

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The exact causes of encephalocele are not yet known. Experts believe that many factors can be involved in it. In some cases it can be genetic. If a family member has had any problem related to the neural tube, then any child can have such a problem in the future. Apart from this, some researchers also believe that some environmental risks before or during pregnancy can be the cause of this. Apart from this, some other reasons are as follows -

  • Premature birth of a baby.
  • Lack of nutrients in the pregnant woman during pregnancy.
  • Low weight of the baby at birth.
  • Many types of birth defects in the baby.

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If we talk about the symptoms of encephalocele, it can be detected from the physical size of the baby. However, some of its other symptoms are as follows -

  • Change in the size of the head, such as - the head becoming too big or small.
  • Feeling of blocked nose.
  • Meningitis i.e. a type of brain fever.
  • Lack of physical and mental development.
  • Eye problems, such as - trouble in seeing.
  • Lack of feeling strength in hands and legs.
  • Seizures.
  • Excess fluid in the brain, which is called hydrocephalus.
  • Problem in breathing.

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Encephaloceles can be treated only by surgery. The location of the encephalocele and which part of the head and face is affected by it, determines how many surgeries are to be done. At the same time, neural problems caused by encephalocele can remain even after surgery. Also, how long the treatment will last depends on the condition of the child.

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Statistically, only 43 percent of the babies affected by encephalocele survive. However, it is not necessary that the surviving children become completely normal. They may have to face mental and physical problems for life.

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Having encephalocele is not only painful for the child, but can also be challenging for the entire family. However, during the treatment of this disease, the child as well as the parents need to have full courage. Apart from this, if some unusual changes are seen in the baby shortly after birth, then immediately talk to the doctor about it. It is possible that its effect can be reduced by treating it from the beginning.

Dr. Anil Pathak

Dr. Anil Pathak

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Dr. Pritesh Mogal

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Dr Shivraj Singh

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Dr. Varshil Shah

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