When a woman is pregnant, changes start taking place in the breast. Actually, due to these changes, the breasts start getting ready for breastfeeding. This is the reason why women often feel heaviness in the breast during pregnancy. When the baby is born, hormones are released in the woman's body during breastfeeding, due to which breast milk is produced and released. Today in this article you will learn about the whole process of making breast milk -

(Read more - Benefits of breastfeeding)

  1. Process Of Making Breast Milk
  2. Stages Of Breast Milk Production
  3. Summary
Doctors for Understanding Lactation: How Breast Milk is Produced in the Body

Hormones play an important role in the formation of breast milk. Let us know in detail about the whole process of making breast milk -

Role Of Breast Of Making Breast Milk

Inside the breast, there are various clusters of cells like grapes, which are called alveoli. Milk is produced inside it. When milk is produced, it enters the milk ducts through the alveoli. The ducts expel the milk through the breast. Keep in mind that breast size does not affect the ability to breastfeed. Whether the breast size is small or large, milk is produced in the same quantity and quality according to the child's need.

(Read more - How to breastfeed: positions, tips)

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Role Of Brain Of Making Breast Milk

When the baby starts breastfeeding after delivery, a message reaches the mother's brain. After this signal, the brain gives a signal to release prolactin and oxytocin hormones. Milk is produced in the alveoli due to the prolactin hormone and oxytocin causes the muscles present around the alveoli to expel the milk from the milk ducts. When the milk comes out of the breasts, it is called the let-down reflex. Apart from feeding the baby, let-down reflexes can also occur due to other reasons. Let-down reflex can also occur when the baby is crying, or the mother looks at the baby or thinks about him. This can also happen when it is time to breastfeed the baby.

(Read more - Foods and tips to increase breast milk)

Role Of Baby Of Making Breast Milk

The baby can also help in producing milk in the breasts. The body produces milk according to the amount of milk the baby drinks. The body produces more breast milk if the baby is breastfed more for a few days or weeks after delivery. The quantity of milk can be more or less according to the child's needs. Whenever the baby breastfeeds, the body gets a signal that the baby needs milk for the next feeding.

(Read more -How and when to stop breastfeeding your baby)

The breast milk produced for breastfeeding has three important stages, which provide nutrients to the baby. All these three stages are important in the process of breast milk production. Let us know in detail about these stages of breast milk formation -

Benefits Of Colostrum Milk

The first thick milk that comes out immediately after the birth of the child is dark yellow in color. It is also called colostrum or 'liquid gold' because it is most important for the child. Colostrum is rich in nutrition and antibodies. It protects the child from infection. Colostrum helps the digestive system of the child to develop and function properly.

(Read more - Breast Engorgement)

Benefits Of Transitional Milk

Transitional milk is formed when mature breast milk gradually replaces colostrum. Women can make transitional milk from the first week to the second week of the child's delivery. During this time, warmth and heaviness is felt in the breast. Along with this, the color of the milk changes from light blue to white. At this time, breast milk changes according to the needs of the child. Breastfeeding the baby and expressing the extra milk improves milk production.

(Read more -Feeding your newborn in the first 24 hours)

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Benefits Of Mothers Milk

Mature milk starts forming 10-15 days after the birth of the baby. Every phase of breast milk is full of nutrients that the baby needs. The fat present in mature milk keeps changing according to the baby's feed. The baby should always be fed from one breast first. The second breast should be fed only after the first breast is empty. This gives the baby the right amount of nutrients.

(Read more - Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers)

Breast milk is rich in nutrients and helps protect the baby from infections and other diseases. Breast milk changes according to the needs of the baby and even when the child falls ill. It is considered the best diet for a small child. The structure that forms the breast of women protects, produces and transports breast milk. Breast, brain and baby all play an important role in the formation of breast milk. All three of them go through three other stages, which are considered an important part of the formation of breast milk, such as colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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